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CPF announces plans to take legal action against ‘fact distorters’ in black chin tilapia case

Bangkok, CPF announced that it found that the use of information in public forums and various social media 'distorted the facts', affecting the organization's reputation and causing damage. It will consider taking legal action. It warned the public not to believe or share information. It confirmed that it is ready to cooperate with all sectors to verify the facts and control the fish population. Mrs. Kobboon Srichai, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer of CPF, revealed that in the past and on July 26, 2024, there has been the use of false images and information in public communication that has caused damage to the company. Some examples of false images and information include images claiming to be the condition of the earthen pond of the Yisan Farm, which was used to raise black-chinned tilapia from 2011 to 2014, and the claim that 'they were continuously raised at the Yisan Farm from 2010 to 2017.' She would like to clarify that this is 'the use of false images and information' because this place is not the Yi san Farm. After the decision not to start the project and stop the research in early January 2011 and destroy all the fish fry, the company has no more activities related to this fish. Therefore, the claim that the fish were raised continuously until 2017 is false information that is a lie that creates a negative misunderstanding in society towards the organization. Mrs. Kobboon said that there are still images claiming to be the selection of black chinned tilapia eggs to be propagated/bred and then taken to be nurtured in cages at the Yisan farm. In reality, this place is not the Yisan farm, and the activities shown in this image are not the process of selecting fish eggs according to the company's practices. In addition, there are aerial photos of the farm area, indicating the farm layout, which contains false information. The red frame is not a fish pond as claimed. In reality, it is a shrimp pond. While the yellow frame that states that it is a fish breeding pond and a fish nursery pond as claimed is act ually a pond for improving the breeding of Nile tilapia, red tilapia, and sea fish. 'The distorted images, the company is in the process of collecting other distorted texts to use in legal proceedings. Those who provide false images and information that distort the facts should be held accountable for this matter, along with those who use such information and images to communicate in various public forums. The company is willing to cooperate with relevant agencies to investigate the facts based on honest facts. At the same time, we must protect the organization's reputation from the use of false information and/or images, which distorts the facts to mislead society. Those who provide such information and/or images, including those who use such information and images to express opinions in public forums or various media, should be held accountable for their actions that cause damage to others,' said Ms. Kobboon. However, the company agrees that there should be additional social fact-finding processes in this matter, as many companies that CPF has no involvement in have been trading this type of fish in the past. Therefore, the society is requested to be fair and there should be additional investigations to find additional facts to jointly consider ways to solve the problem and find ways to prevent the spread in the long term. For the 5 collaborative projects to support problem solving, there have been continuous operations, including cooperation to support the Fisheries Department in the activities of catching fish and releasing sea bass fry, which found that in some areas, the amount of fish has decreased significantly. Most recently, we have joined the activities of catching fish and giving away more sea bass to the Samut Songkhram Provincial Fisheries. In addition, we have been contacted by 2-3 leading universities to express their intention to cooperate in research, both in developing food products and research to find ways to control fish populations in the long term. Source: Thai News Agency