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CREDIT starts trading on SET 9 Feb.

Bangkok, Thai Credit Bank PCL. commercial bank that focuses on providing microfinance loans and micro SME loans which is a business sector with high growth Ready to trade on the Stock Exchange on February 9, with a security value at the IPO price of 35,649.39 million baht, using the abbreviation " CREDIT" in securities trading. Mr. Manphong Senanarong, Deputy Manager, Head of Securities Issuer Division The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) revealed that the Stock Exchange welcomes Thai Credit Bank Public Company Limited. Listed and started trading on the stock exchange in the financial business industry group Banking business category Using the securities trading abbreviation "CREDIT" on February 9, 2024. CREDIT is a commercial bank that has focused on providing Nano and Micro Finance and Micro SME loans for more than 15 years to small entrepreneurs and groups. Traders who still cannot access credit in the system There are many of them and are considered important cogs in driving the country's economy. The b ank has a strong credit analysis and risk management team. Through more than 527 service branches covering all areas throughout the country. and digital channels through applications This has resulted in a rapid expansion rate of loans and good credit quality. As of September 30, 2023, there is a Net Interest Margin (NIM) as high as 8.76%. There are over 370,000 credit contracts and are ready to provide loans. Services with more complex products After receiving approval from the Ministry of Finance to become a full-fledged commercial bank on August 17, 2023, CREDIT has paid-up capital of 6,146.45 million baht, with a par value of 5 baht per share, with an initial public offering (IPO) of 254.13 million shares, consisting of 189.42 million existing common shares of OCA Investment Holdings I Pte. Ltd. and 64.71 million additional common shares offered for sale to 1) Persons at the discretion of the underwriter Persons with relationships, employees, and benefactors of the Bank Between 23 - 26 January 2024 2) Institutional investors (including institutional investors who are Cornerstone Investors) who subscribe in the country Legal entities that can participate in the purchase demand survey and investors (including institutional investors who are Cornerstone Investors) who subscribe abroad. Through the initial purchaser of shares abroad (Initial Purchaser) between 31 January - 2 February 2024 at a price of 29 baht per share, representing a fundraising value of 1,876.47 million baht, with a securities value at the IPO price of 35,649.39 million baht. CIMB Thai Bank Public Company Limited is the financial advisor. There are CGS International Securities (Thailand) Company Limited, Bualuang Securities Public Company Limited and Maybank Securities (Thailand) Public Company Limited acting as joint underwriters and underwriters for the common shares. Mr. Winyu Chaiyawan, Chief Executive Officer of Thai Credit Bank Public Company Limited (CREDIT), revealed that the listing on the Stock Exchange of Thailand Will support the company to grow according to the strategies laid out in both business and social driving. Increase competitiveness and create added value in the long run To become a leader in providing microfinance services in Thailand. The funds raised will be used to expand the loan portfolio. and improve and develop information technology systems in the digital transformation (Digital Transformation) and security infrastructure of information technology systems (IT Security and Infrastructure). CREDIT has the top 3 shareholders after the IPO, namely 1) V.C. Sombat Group holds 60.40% of shares, 2) Mr. Winyu Chaiyawan holds 6.40% of shares, and 3) Mr. Veerawet Chaiyawan Group holds 1.90% of shares. Determination of the offering price The sale of IPO shares is determined by surveying the demand for purchasing securities (Book Building). The offered price is calculated as a ratio of price to book value per share (Price to Book Value: P/BV) equal to 2.12 times compared to the book value. Book Value Per Share at 13.70 baht per share, calculated from the bank's book value as of September 30, 2023, divided by the total number of common shares issued and sold after this share offering. The Bank's dividend payment policy is in accordance with the announcement of the Bank of Thailand. and related laws Considering the net profit according to the separate financial statements after deducting corporate income tax and allocation of legal reserves and as specified by the Bank, which is not more than the retained earnings according to the separate financial statements. Investors and interested parties Details can be viewed from the company's prospectus at the SEC's website at and general information of the company at and at Source: Thai News Agency