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DandC monitors the impact of cadmium until the landfill is completed

Bangkok, Director General of the Pollution Control Department. Revealed that officials have inspected the environmental impact of the transport of cadmium and zinc waste in Samut Sakhon Province and have not found any contamination. We will continue to monitor while waiting for the Ministry of Industry and Samut Sakhon Province. Set a plan for moving to a landfill in Tak Province and provide advice on moving. for safety Ms. Preeyaporn Suwannakes, Director-General of the Pollution Control Department, said that Order officials to watch out for environmental impacts in the case of transporting cadmium and zinc waste from Bound and Beyond Public Company Limited (formerly Padaeng Industry Company Limited) to J and B Metal Company. Co., Ltd., which carries on the business of casting and melting aluminum billets. Aluminum pellets from aluminum scraps and aluminum slag (Scrap and Dross), Samut Sakhon Province In this regard, the Pollution Control Department participated in the inspection of environmental impacts f rom April 4, 2024 by collecting cadmium and zinc tailings samples and environmental quality samples for inspection, including: cadmium and zinc residue Soil inside the factory (in the smelter and outside the smelter) Ash from the smelting air treatment system Soil outside the factory Chemical vapors in the atmosphere Wastewater The results of the initial measurement were as follows: cadmium and zinc residue It has a cadmium content of 24,884 mg/kg, which is considered hazardous waste due to the content of cadmium contaminants exceeding 100 mg/kg (according to the announcement of the Ministry of Industry regarding the management of waste or unused materials, B.E. . 2023) The soil in the smelter found a cadmium content of 7,159 mg/kg. The soil inside the factory outside the smelter. Found a cadmium content of 31,584 mg/kg and soil in front of the factory fence. The amount of cadmium was found at 2,838 mg/kg, which at all three points was found to be higher than the criteria for soil contamination withi n the factory. (Criteria for soil contamination within the factory According to the announcement of the Ministry of Industry regarding the criteria for contamination in soil and groundwater, 2016, must not exceed 810 mg/kg.) - Ash from the smelting air treatment system Cadmium was not detected. Soil in the community area upwind and downwind within 10 meters did not detect any cadmium levels. No chemical vapors were detected in the atmosphere. Water samples were collected at 3 points: 1) the drainage gutter in front of the smelter, 2) the drainage gutter in front of the office building, and 3) a natural canal, which must be taken for testing in a laboratory in order to expedite the results quickly. Director-General of the Pollution Control Department said that Had a meeting to discuss with Environment and Pollution Control Office No. 3 (Phitsanulok), Environment and Pollution Control Office No. 5 (Nakhon Pathom), Samut Sakhon Provincial Natural Resources and Environment Office. (Samut Sakhon Provincial Pu blic Health Office) and Tak Province (Tak Provincial Public Health Office) to follow up on progress and practice preparing to provide technical support in planning to transport waste from Samut Sakhon Province back to a safe landfill in the province. A total of 7 factors include: 1) From the detection of cadmium in the soil in front of the factory fence of J and B Metal Company Limited, Samut Sakhon Province. which may be attached to the wheels of transport vehicles Therefore there is an offer. Contaminated soil has been vacuumed and collected for proper disposal. J and B Metal Company Limited has temporarily ceased operations following orders from the industry in Samut Sakhon Province. and there are no more workers going to work. 2) Workers working in the factory of J and B Metal Company Limited, Samut Sakhon Province, a total of 19 cases, on April 4, 2024, 11 urine samples were collected for examination, with 8 remaining. of which additional urine will be collected on April 9, 2024. 3) Samut Sakhon Provi ncial Public Health Office has requested knowledge regarding consideration of waste contamination in the environment according to environmental quality standards to bring to the governor of Samut Sakhon Province. Next 4) From the proposal to safely transport cadmium and zinc waste back to the original landfill in Tak Province, there are concerns about the engineering structure of the landfill due to the opening of the pit. and used heavy equipment to dig out cadmium and zinc residue. Therefore, it is proposed that the said engineering structure be inspected. Are landfills ready to operate safely again? Moreover, if they are not yet ready, how should they proceed with preparing a temporary storage building? Or should it be stored in the warehouse of J and B Metal Co., Ltd. for the time being because the warehouse building of Bound and Beyond Public Co., Ltd., Tak Province, has been completely demolished a long time ago? 5) In the case of waste to be brought When going to landfill, the properties of waste (TT LC/STLC) and others must be checked in a laboratory. In order to consider whether waste treatment must be carried out before landfilling according to the criteria for safe landfilling or not as well. This may take time to prepare item 2 and check the properties of waste like this. It may take time to be unable to complete the transportation of waste within 7 days as specified by the Governor of Samut Sakhon Province. 6) Consideration of limitations in the readiness of equipment and tools for monitoring and inspecting the waste. Environment in Tak Province and Environment and Pollution Control Office 3 (Phitsanulok) including provinces with transportation routes that are relatively far from Samut Sakhon Province and Environment and Pollution Control Office 5 (Nakhon Pathom) in the relevant area of ??responsibility It may not be sufficient to support monitoring of environmental quality and safety impacts in the operation of transporting such waste. 7) When considering the assessment of readiness and feasibili ty according to the reasons mentioned above, there may be risks in the operation. and may be delayed within the specified period. The option of landfilling at another waste disposal site in Samut Sakhon Province or other nearby provinces may need to be considered. To reduce the risk of transporting cadmium and zinc waste, which are in large quantities. The Pollution Control Department has left the following issues for consideration, according to points 4 - 7, to Tak and Samut Sakhon Provincial Public Health Offices to consult with the provincial governors. To discuss together and make decisions about options for disposal of waste stored within the said factory. As for the results of inspection of soil samples around the factory, which expanded the sampling radius from the original distance of no more than 10 meters to a distance of no more than 1 kilometer, no cadmium contamination was detected. Except for the area in front of the factory fence. Cadmium was found at a level of 3,430 mg/kg (higher than the c riteria for soil contamination within the factory. According to the announcement of the Ministry of Industry regarding the criteria for contamination in soil and groundwater, 2016, must not exceed 810 mg/kg.) Director-General of the Pollution Control Department said that Pollution Control Department officials have been assigned to continuously monitor environmental impacts. But now there is an order to close the area to allow unrelated persons to enter. Previously, Pol. Gen. Patcharawat Wongsuwan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Mentioning the case of more than 15,000 tons of cadmium found in Samut Sakhon Province, that as soon as the incident occurred Office of Natural Resources and Environment, Samut Sakhon Province Inspect together with relevant agencies. Initially, there is no information on people affected by cadmium in the area. as well as cadmium and zinc residue. It is mixed with 30 percent Portland cement and is currently in a hardened and stable state. If ke pt in a closed place and not washed. It will not cause any impact on the environment. Ready to emphasize to the Pollution Control Department to collect samples. To check for contaminants in factories, in the air, and in natural water sources. To report the results to the public immediately. Because if it takes too long, it will affect the feelings of the people. In addition, he ordered the Pollution Control Department to send officials to the area to meet with people to give advice on how to live their lives during this period. In this regard, the Pollution Control Department must cooperate with provincial governors in providing advice and consultation in academic matters. Help take care of the transportation and storage of cadmium properly. in order not to make mistakes A working group of the Ministry of Natural Resources will be established. Take care of this matter until the situation is resolved. and also gave the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning Inspect the smelting fact ory to see whether an EIA has been prepared and whether the specified EIA measures have been followed or not. However, if the inspection is found that the environment has environmental contaminants. Prosecute legal action strictly. Including rehabilitation costs, the company must be responsible according to the polluter principle. Or the business license may have to be seized from the granting agency as well. Source: Thai News Agency