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‘Dee Prom’ promotes the policy RESHAPE THE FUTURE, adjusting the industry to meet global trends.

Bangkok,, "DeeProm" announces policy for the year 2024, promoting the policy of RESHAPE THE FUTURE: The world changes, industry adjusts. Ready for the future Under three main strategies: adjusting to keep pace with the modern economy, adjusting spatial development Adjust access to opportunities, aiming for 2024 to be able to promote Upgrading more than 18,400 entrepreneurs, creating additional economic value of more than 10,000 million baht Mr. Phasakorn Chairat, Director-General of the Department of Industrial Promotion Revealing the direction of driving the policy of the Department of Industrial Promotion, or Dee Prom, in 2024, that Dee Prom aims to carry out its mission continuously in creating, promoting, supporting, and developing the competency of the industrial sector. small and medium sized enterprises Community enterprises, entrepreneurs and industrial business service providers To increase the ability to compete internationally Including creating added value and sustainable production efficiency. T his is in line with the Ministry of Industry. Under the management of Ms. Pimpatra Wichaikul, Minister of Industry which has instructed Dee Prompt to fully promote and develop the Thai industrial sector through various projects and measures, as well as create awareness and communicate the mission of Dee Prom to reach target groups under the concept 'Think about business. Think well and be ready.' However, at present the Thai industrial sector is facing risks and fluctuations from situations occurring both inside and outside the country. which is both an opportunity and a challenge to entrepreneurs Whether it is technological progress Changing population structure, global crisis, global economic situation geopolitical conflicts Countervailing globalization And as the world changes, industries and entrepreneurs must adjust to be ready for the future. For 2024, we are ready to have guidelines for driving the development of entrepreneurs and the industrial sector. The policy has been set: RESHAPE THE FUTURE: T he world changes, the industry adjusts. Ready for the future To provide a framework for operating directions that is in line with global changing trends (Megatrends) under the landscape Economy and society of the modern world To enable target groups at all levels to be able to stand up, cope, and adjust to the changing trends that may affect business operations. as well as having the potential to concretely seek opportunities and benefits from various challenges that arise However, the 3-sided strategy consists of 1. Adapt to keep up with the modern economy (RESHAPE THE ECONOMY) through promoting the digital economy (DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION) by applying digital technology in the industrial sector in terms of personnel development (People), production process (Process), marketing ( Marketing) and products (Product), including robotics (Robotics), automation (Automation) and artificial intelligence (AI) so that entrepreneurs can make a seamless transition to the digital economy era. Promoting the aging econom y Health Economy (AGING SOCIETY) by developing products and services in Wellness and Healthcare to be in line with consumers in the elderly group and consumers who value preventive health care. As well as developing high-value products that help promote health, such as Future Food, Super Food, and Herbal Products to support the expansion of Wellness Tourism. ) and medical tourism (Medical Tourism, promoting the creative economy (SOFT POWER) supports the creation of creative power to develop the country's competitiveness. and raise the value of Thai products, distribute income to the grassroots economy It aims to develop concrete results in the food and fashion fields. Promoting the defense industry (DEFENCE INDUSTRY) to be a new engine to drive the national economy. By relying on the mechanism of cooperation between the public and private sectors. To reduce reliance on foreign technology and develop further into industries for export. and promotion of the bioeconomy circular economy Green Economy (CLIMATE CH ANGE) promotes sustainable growth according to the BCG economic model, aiming for carbon neutrality by creating awareness for entrepreneurs to be ready to deal with it. Climate change through development Personnel to have knowledge about BCG and important measures such as Thailand Taxonomy / CBAM / Carbon Credit to increase production efficiency according to the circular economy and low carbon society such as Biomass /Life Cycle Assessment /Carbon Footprint /Circular Business Model /Upcycling /Eco-labelling and the development of high value products from biodiversity Especially products made from fibers that are biological materials. 2. Change spatial development (RESHAPE THE AREA) through the development of 4 special economic corridors (ECONOMIC CORRIDOR), namely the Northern Special Economic Corridor (NEC), the Northeast Special Economic Corridor (NeEC), the Central Special Economic Corridor - Western Economic Corridor (CWEC) and the Southern Special Economic Corridor (SEC) by creating added value through out the supply chain for products and services with potential in the target industries of each area. Including creating opportunities for entrepreneurs and communities to participate in the supply chain to benefit from inclusive development. and community development according to the concept 'Community Transformation' (COMMUNITY TRANSFORMATION) by changing communities to be better in the context of the industry, focusing on community-driven development. (Community-led Development) and comprehensive holistic development the entire community, not just one individual As well as connecting and providing opportunities for entrepreneurs in the industries of the future (S-Curve) to participate and play a role in changing communities with tools, processes or technology that are consistent with the potential levels of communities in each area. 3. Increase access to opportunities (RESHAPE THE ACCESSIBILITY) through supporting access to capital sources (FINANCIAL INCLUSION) by developing mechanisms for granting loans a nd guarantees for SMEs with potential but lacking collateral or insufficient collateral to enable them to access sources. Funding Under cooperation with the Small Business Credit Guarantee Corporation (TCG) and various financial institutions, as well as strengthening the finances of Thai entrepreneurs through revolving funds to promote industrial careers in the family. and Thai handicrafts Through the development of new loan products that meet the needs of each group and climate change finance (Climate Finance) along with strengthening basic financial knowledge (Financial Literacy), raising the level of giving. Services (DIPROM E-SERVICE) by accelerating the reform of the government service system to keep pace with sudden changes with digital technology (Digital Disruption). To facilitate entrepreneurs to access good services through the online system anywhere, anytime, fully integrated. and is a distribution of services that cover the needs of each area. Expanding the cooperation network (DIPROM CONNECTION ) by accelerating the creation of cooperation and integration with public and private organizations both domestically and abroad. Strengthen relationships and build networks to drive the development of target industries. Especially creating cooperation with local governments in various countries in a Local-to-Local manner. To enhance the competitiveness of the industrial sector and entrepreneurs on both sides. Through a connection with Big Brother, creating a network of entrepreneurs. technology transfer investment promotion Business matching negotiations as well as jointly working on various important projects and activities In the fiscal year 2024, DeeProm has a goal of promoting and developing more than 18,400 entrepreneurs. It is expected to be able to create additional economic value of not less than 10,000 million baht under a budget of more than 1,000 million baht. Source: Thai News Agency