Thailand Recorder

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Demonstrators set off fireworks the day before the entrance to the parliament.

Bangkok, July 19 – The Talu Gas Group set off fireworks the day before the entrance to the Parliament Building. Ready to scatter a resignation letter to the senator. On the side of the police announced that he would withdraw Prepare to bring the container to cover the entrance and exit.

The group of demonstrators through gas set off fireworks the next day at the entrance to the parliament building and scattered resignation letters for the senator at the front door. While Mrs. Amarat Chokpamitkul, Advisor to the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Driving in front of the parliament building, ready to negotiate and ask to open the door to enter and perform duties. But the officials did not agree. because he was afraid that there would be a crowd following him When the officer explained the reason, Mrs. Amarat drove back and left. While the police announced that the people would return to the Kiakkai Government Complex And prepare to bring containers to cover the entrance and exit at the entrance on the Thahan Road side.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency