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Department of Defense integrates to crack down on online gambling websites

House, "Kenika" reveals the Ministry of DE Integrate multiple agencies Speed ??up crackdown on online gambling websites Solve the problem of horse account - horse sim Ready to ask for cooperation from neighboring countries to crack down on call center gangs. Ms. Kanika Aunjit, Deputy Spokesperson for the Prime Minister's Office, revealed that the government by Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, and Mr. Prasert Chandraruangthong, Minister of Digital Economy and Society (DE), continues to implement policies to suppress online gambling websites. which has appointed a committee to prevent and suppress technological crimes To work in an integrated manner with many agencies such as the Royal Thai Police, NBTC, AMLO, SEC, DSI, BoT, etc. There are guidelines for solving important problems, such as measures to solve the horse accounting problem. To expedite the elimination of suspicious accounts and horse accounts in the banking system. By the Thai Bankers Association, financial institutio ns Collaborated with the Bank of Thailand to expedite the investigation of 19 suspicious items and exchange information on suspicious accounts between banks. To identify and freeze bank accounts In the past, 3-4 hundred thousand accounts have been suspended. AMLO's office has already closed 318,298 horse accounts and the AOC Center has suspended or closed 112,699 accounts. And another important measure is Immediate account freezing in cases where the victim reports the incident to AOC 1441 and the victim has already reported the matter online. Originally suspended for 3 days and required to report to the police station. Ms. Kanika continued that the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society We have also swept up suspected SIM cards and horse SIM cards. The NBTC has set criteria for registration to confirm identity for SIM card holders. In addition, the NBTC and the Ministry of DE have coordinated. to suspend horse sim Or there are more than 800,000 suspected SIM numbers by Mr. Prasert. Has ordered to be strict in activating new SIM cards to prevent SIMs from being used to commit illegal acts. As for gambling websites that have large centers overseas, Ms. Kanika said that the Ministry of DE, Border Patrol Police, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has integrated and coordinated cooperation with neighboring countries to proactively solve online crime problems. Strictly checking people entering and exiting. and entry and exit through natural channels To reduce the problem of traveling to work as a call center gang Including moving money out of the country. and support coordination and negotiations with neighboring countries on the issue of resolving call center gang problems. online gambling website including other online crimes as well 'According to data from October 1, 2023 to March 5, 2024, the Ministry of DE has suspended 60,681 items of all types of inappropriate information, blocking 25,571 online gambling websites, a 13-fold increase from 2,059 websites. In the same period of the year 2023 'Miss Kanika Said. Sour ce: Thai News Agency