Thailand Recorder

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Department of Welfare Extend a helping hand to workers at Suphan Fireworks Factory

Bangkok, Director-General of the Welfare Department Point out workers at Suphan Fireworks Factory Not considered an employee But the Occupational Safety and Health Act Covers daily hire Mrs. Sopa Kiatniracha, Director-General of the Department of Labor Protection and Welfare Mentioning the employment conditions of workers in the firecracker factory in Suphanburi Province, that from an inspection of the Suphanburi Provincial Labor Protection and Welfare Office It was found that it did not fall under the definition of employee. This is because the employer has not set a clear working time. And it is not mandatory how many pieces of work must be done. When the villagers were free, they came in to make pieces like "bird-repelling fireworks." Whoever made as many pieces would receive money according to the number of pieces. In helping and caring, it is divided into 2 parts. Part of the Welfare Department Supervise the establishment to see if it is safe or not. Employers or establishments allow people to go to w ork or to make benefits. May be an employee or just a contractor to work on a piecemeal basis. Occupational Safety, Health, Working Environment Law 2011 Total protection and supervision As for contractors, they work as employees or as individual contractors. Must enter employment details Benefits come from 2 parts: the Compensation Fund and the Social Security Fund. In case of injury or death while working And because the owner of the factory by the name who requested permission has passed away. Therefore, the husband of the factory owner will have to be questioned soon to see if he is also a part owner or not. The law has a maximum penalty of 1 year in prison or a fine not exceeding 400,000 baht, or both. As for the gap Protection for daily workers is under review. Labor Protection Act Source: Thai News Agency