Thailand Recorder

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deposit a royal thesis “Without love without fruit” for the media to think

Ministry of Defense, April 5 - the Prime Minister beckons the media. Quoting the royal writings of King Rama VI "No Love, No Fruit", I ask you to help me think. Don't cause a crisis to damage the nation, reject the answer, send a signal after the election is busy.

The reporter reported that After completing the ceremony on the anniversary of the establishment of the Ministry of Defense General Prayut Chan-ocha, Prime Minister and Minister of Defense beckoning to reporters to interview that today (April 5) is the 136th anniversary of the establishment of the Ministry of Defense, which has been invaluable for a long time With the monarchy established We as children and grandchildren We must help each other to maintain it. strength, honor, dignity of the army and of the Ministry of Defense must love the country more and more to be the source of peace and order in the country already said If the country is not peaceful, there are many problems, many opportunities will disappear immediately. in a foreign perspective

“King Rama VI's royal writings, “No love without fruit”, do you remember? Let's try to open and listen. "Any nation without love and solidarity will do anything in vain If the nation is ruined and impoverished How can the people live happily?” Come to think of it, please everyone. make our country more peaceful So that we can step onto the world stage with dignity and dignity, ”said the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister said that today the views of many countries Please follow the developments in security of every country. especially neighboring countries If our country is peaceful We will be able to use our potential to the fullest in every dimension. Both security, environment, society, health, let's help each other. Let's help bring the country to safety and peace. Let's not cause any crises that damage the country. During this time and the next

When asked to repeat Seeing that there will be signs of chaos that will occur or not, the Prime Minister said that he asked to think for himself.

As for the signs of chaos coming from parties opposite the government or not, the Prime Minister said it was not related to many things, he already knew How can you ask an ignorant question? How can the country be peaceful?

Emphasizing that some matters cannot be said or not, the Prime Minister only briefly stated that he had to think for himself.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency