Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Do not postpone the meeting of the Cabinet on July 4

"Wissanu" reveals that he has not postponed the date of the cabinet meeting on July 4, although on the day of the first council meeting, pointing out that most ministers have failed the exam.

Mr. Wissanu Krea-ngam, Deputy Prime Minister Mentioned the case of the first meeting of the House of Representatives. On Tuesday, July 4, which corresponds to the date of the Cabinet meeting (Cabinet), and there are some ministers as MPs that next week, the Cabinet meeting on July 4 There is still as usual, although there are some people who are stuck in the council meeting. There is currently no idea to postpone the meeting date of the Cabinet.

As for how much a quorum is required for a cabinet meeting, Mr. Wissanu said that at least one third of the ministers, namely 12, must be present at the meeting. But he thinks that next Tuesday's cabinet meeting can be done as usual because most ministers fail the exam.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency