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Drama on social media “Dogs enter the expressway” Governor of EXAT, probation, female employee

Bangkok: Expressway drama After a young woman who is an EXAT employee posted something like she was working on the last day of the year. It's dog free highway day. Recently, the Governor of EXAT issued an apology to the people. and punish the said employee with probation. In the case of the famous page "If you want to be famous, I'll make it happen for you. Return part 6" posted a picture and a message stating: "The dog was probably frightened by the fireworks and ran onto the expressway... What did the management say? (Some) officials said that dogs can use the expressway for free," along with a picture captured from a woman's Facebook page. Being an official of the Expressway Authority Specify the message: "Working on New Year's Eve Welcoming the New Year is a day when dogs can travel free on the expressway. Almost every route' by this official checking in at the Expressway Administration Center building. Expressway Authority of Thailand In addition to this page There are also many other accounts on socia l media, Twitter There were comments such as asking for a new year to start, Happy New Job. Some people said, "It's so logical... people like this just give it to you for one day for free. How much do you pay for the whole year? etc. This issue caused Mr. Surachet Laophunsuk, Governor of the Expressway Authority of Thailand (EXAT), to reveal that he had summoned the said employee to explain the details of the facts that had occurred. which the said employee stated that he did it without his knowledge Just intended to convey in a private area that during the New Year's Eve welcome new year There are often fireworks. This causes dogs to startle and run onto the expressway every year. Therefore, a probation order was issued for the said employee. Including setting up a committee to investigate the facts. Later, employees of the Expressway Authority of Thailand People who post controversial messages online Came out to move and posted a message apologizing for the incident that 'In the case where I posted a mess age about dogs using the expressway for free, I would like to clarify that I do not intend to refer to expressway users in any way. But I mean the dogs that regularly run onto the expressway. Especially during various festivals Where there are fireworks, such as New Year's Day festivals, dogs will be startled by the sound of fireworks. and will flee in large numbers onto the expressway. I would like to apologize to expressway users. that my post caused dissatisfaction and misled expressway users I have no bad intentions. And I must sincerely apologize here and for another incident like this. I'm sorry." Source: Thai News Agency