Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Election Commission opens center to prepare for selection Senate – preparing to appoint committee members

Election Commission, The Election Commission opened a center to prepare for selecting senators, giving information to those interested in running. Prepare to appoint District-province level committees before the current term of senators expires. The Office of the Election Commission prepares for the selection of senators (Senators) by establishing centers to prepare for the selection of senators in the provinces and Bangkok. To be used as a coordination center for preparing to appoint district committees. and provincial committees Including preparing other parts related to the mission of selecting senators. Not less than 30 days before the expiration of the term of the Senate by the Provincial Election Director. Will coordinate with provincial governors and district chiefs. To prepare for the appointment of persons to the district level committee. and provincial committees To assist in operations, advise, facilitate, and report problems or obstacles regarding the selection of senators to the Election Commis sion. and take necessary actions regarding the selection of senators. To be in accordance with the Election Commission regulations regarding the selection of senators, B.E. 2024. For those who are interested and wish to run for election as a senator. You can request to receive information about the process of selecting senators. or consult about qualifications and prohibited characteristics of those eligible to run for election as senators Including the career group that will apply. at the office Provincial Election Commission of every province And you can study more details from the Organic Act on the Acquisition of Senators, B.E. 2018 and the Election Commission Regulations on the Selection of Senators. Source: Thai News Agency