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Election Commission secretary clarifies the use of standard ballot papers

BMA, April 1 - Election Commission secretary clarifies the use of standard ballot papers Like every election in the past, it is economical and convenient to manage.

Sawaeng Boonmee, Secretary-General of the Election Commission of Thailand private facebook post Explanation of ballot papers that in the general election of 2023, two ballot papers were used, namely a party-list form and constituencies Even though they are the same party, they are different numbers (numbers) according to the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand. and the Organic Act on the Election of Members of the House of Representatives The Election Commission is only the one who determines the form of the card in accordance with the law.

by ballot form since the elections in Thailand until now There are 3 types of ballots that are used in elections: Standard constituency cards, that is, a card with only numbers (numbers) of candidates. Or what the villagers call a dozen cards There will be no list of candidates at all. Every constituency election in Thailand has always used this ballot. whether it is an election that is only divided into constituencies Before the 1997 constitution or a party-list election after 1997, meaning that there was never a candidate's name on the ballot paper.

As for the standard list card format, it is a card with a candidate number (number), with a symbol or a political party mark. and have the name of the party on the ballot paper This form of ballot paper has been used since the 1997 constitution onwards. Every election will use this form of ballot paper all the time.

And a specific ballot took place in 2019 to support the voting system without flooding according to the principles of the constitution. given that every score is meaningful This ballot paper therefore mixed between constituency cards and list form put together in one card and there are 350 types according to the number of constituencies The card contains information 1) Candidate number (number) of the constituency candidate. 2) symbols or symbols of political parties 3) Name of political party But there was no name of the constituency candidate on the ballot.

Mr. Sawang said that the 2023 election ballot is divided into constituencies. and list form Will use a standard card like every election in the past, except for the year 2019 that uses a specific card according to the constitution By the advantages of the standard constituency card It is clearly different from the name card, that is, apart from the different colors. The elements inside the card will be different. Makes the public notice clearly not confused because one type of card only has a number no text and any symbol Unlike other types of cards, there are all 3 things, which is another way to prevent bad cards caused by this confusion.

It also saves a lot of budget. because the standard card is printed at the same time But a specific area card Must print 400 times according to the number of districts when the number of prints per time is small. will make the cost of printing per time spend more money and convenient to manage bring time to do administrative work, such as sending to match the district Specific cases If sent to the wrong area, it cannot be substituted. Printing a spare card in each district There must be a complete reserve according to the number of districts. Because they can't be used interchangeably, etc., allowing the remaining time from administrative work to do other tasks for more benefit and worthwhile.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency