Thailand Recorder

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Emphasize that unlocking marijuana has measures to take care of the impact

BMA, April 30- "Trisulee" reiterates that unlocking marijuana has measures to take care of the impact on health and children in accordance with human rights principles in all aspects.

Ms. Traisulee Traisoranakul, Deputy Spokesperson for the Prime Minister's Office, said that there is currently a process to attack the government's policy on medical and economic marijuana. to hope for continuous political results With the news that Thailand has no law to control or the law that controls the network cannot be enforced Please note that Thailand currently has a comprehensive law governing the use of marijuana.

The announcement of the Ministry of Public Health It is a tool for regulating each aspect of cannabis utilization, such as regulation for use as a food ingredient. By prohibiting the inflorescence of cannabis in food. ,Set rules for the sale of marijuana-containing food in restaurants, set standards for marijuana-containing food products, the sale of marijuana inflorescences must be permitted in all cases, prohibiting sales to children and youth under 20 years of age. Students, students, pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding, do not sell in temples and places of worship, dormitories, parks, amusement parks, do not smoke causing smell and smoke in public places that cause annoyance, do not sell online, do not peddle, do not sell through vending machines, etc.

Ms. Traisulee said that related agencies also monitored under the agency's mission. Most recently, on April 25, 2023, the Cabinet (Cabinet) received a report from the Ministry of Public Health regarding the results of discussions with relevant agencies. In response to the recommendations of the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (NHRCT) on measures to protect health rights and children's rights in the situation of marijuana use in Thailand that each agency is working on. which every agency can answer the concerns of the NHRCT on all issues

Whether it is the preparation of laws at the statutory level (Act) and secondary laws to support the protection of children, youth, pregnant women. or during breastfeeding Regulating the production and sale of non-medical cannabis products Especially strictly inflorescences. Including controlling the use of cannabis in food, beverages and various products, controlling the appearance of packaging. and the label must not have characteristics that motivate children and youth, etc.

Ms. Traisulee said that the Cabinet had jointly acknowledged that Ministry of Public Health Has developed knowledge, tools and created knowledge and understanding for personnel through training. production of knowledge media in order to reach people of all age groups There is also a mechanism for monitoring and monitoring the situation of marijuana use. To monitor and track data from adverse events in cannabis use. There are reports both online and offline. There is also a link between databases between agencies, such as information about cannabis cultivation registration through an application, allowing people to register to grow cannabis. while the Ministry of Education And the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (QU) also has a mechanism to supervise and monitor substance use in educational institutions.

As for measures to promote and control the quality of cannabis cultivation, hemp for safety. A Guide to Standards for Cultivation and Harvesting of Cannabis Plants has been prepared. And provide training for farmers and the public to gain knowledge about the cultivation and use of marijuana understandably. While the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives has promoted and supported farmers in planting and maintaining In order to be able to use for medical and economic benefits in the future.

“Medical marijuana policies have been pushed forward step by step. Through the joint consideration of all parties While the draft of the Cannabis Marijuana Act B.E.… which is the main law for regulating the utilization is still in the preparation process There are secondary laws taking care of various dimensions. And when the main law comes into force, it will make the supervision effective. Comprehensive, beneficial to both the economy and society, ”said Ms. Traisulee .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency