Thailand Recorder

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End of April, the last wave of extreme heat. Temperature may be new high.

Bangkok, The Meteorological Department expects that the period 26 - 30 Apr. will be a period of continuous hot to very hot weather. Temperatures could exceed the summer record of 44.6 degrees Celsius in 2016 and 2023, after which winds will start to change direction. It signals the changing of the seasons. Mr. Somkuan Tonchan, Director of the Weather Inspection and Surveillance Division The Meteorological Department said that from 24 to 25 April 2024, the weather will continue to be hot and extremely hot. Covered by southerly and southeast winds. In addition, low pressure areas due to heat still cover upper Thailand. There will be increased clouds and thunderstorms in the northern and upper northeastern regions. There may still be thunderstorms and strong winds. As for the southern region, there will be thunderstorms due to the influence of the westerly winds that blow over the area. Especially in the southern Andaman coast. Strong wind waves increase in areas with thunderstorms. Yesterday's highest temper ature was 43.8 degrees Celsius in Thoen District, Lampang Province, slightly decreased from the record high of 2024 the previous day (22 April) 44.2 Thoen District, Lampang Province as well. What you need to watch out for is Between 26-30 April, westerly and northwesterly winds will return to blow again, causing hot weather, which is expected to be higher than the summer record on 28 April 2016 in Mae Hong Son Province and 15 April 2023. which is 44.6 degrees Celsius. People are asked to take care of their health because extremely hot weather can cause diseases that come with hot weather, especially heat stroke (Heatstroke). Then from 1 - 3 May, the wind begins to change direction to west and southwest, signaling the change of seasons. This year it is expected that The rainy season begins in the 3rd week of May. which is slightly slower than normal. Source: Thai News Agency