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End of Songkran Uthai Thani Make traditional Chinese desserts Create community unity

Uthai Thani, Villagers of Nong Makok, Nong Chang District, Uthai Thani Province join in saying goodbye to the Songkran Festival. Organize traditional Chinese dessert making activities Let's work together to preserve traditions. with activities in the community creating fun At the village hall, Village No. 3, Ban Nong Makok, Nong Nang Nuan Subdistrict, Nong Chang District, Uthai Thani Province, Mr. Rapeerat Thirakan, Village Headman, Village No. 3, Ban Nong Makok Along with villagers in Village No. 3 and nearby, they continued the tradition of making traditional Chinese noodles. To continue and preserve the ancient method of making Khanom Jeen for future generations to know. Because as the days go by, the traditional way of making khanom jeen is gradually fading away, changing to making khanom jeen using machines instead. Villagers help each other use a pestle to pound rice flour in an ancient wooden mortar. To make the dough fine Mix and mix until smooth. Then it is crumpled in a container to make it soft. then poured into the skull Compress the noodles into a lotus leaf pan. While the water is boiling Using firewood for boiling This will make the noodles sticky and soft. Then the villagers will take it and transport it to make the head. Eat with fish sauce. and ancient chili paste recipe It also organizes colorful activities. Closed eyes makeup competition Create fun entertainment for those who join in as an activity to end the Songkran Festival that is delicious, fun, and makes merit before the children and grandchildren go back to work. Source: Thai News Agency