Thailand Recorder

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Excise Department agrees to extend jet fuel tax, difficult

Bangkok, July 1 – The Excise Department has accepted the extension of the tax collection period for jets. There are legal restrictions. assigning a working group to accelerate studies to help

Mr. Ekniti Nitithanpraphas Director-General of the Excise Department said that in the case of the Airline Association of Thailand Proposing the government to extend the excise tax collection on oil After the deadline on July 1, 2023, the Excise Department has to come back to collect excise tax on jet fuel at the rate of 4.726 baht per liter from the previous government has issued measures to help collect tax at the rate of 0.20 baht per liter to reduce costs. with airlines in the past

“The Excise Department has discussed with the President of the Airline Association of Thailand. Recognize that this is a legal limitation. And assigned a team to study the appropriate tax rate, ”said Mr. Ekniti.

Reporters reported that In the past, Mr. Puttipong Prasarttong-Osoth President of the Airline Association of Thailand Proposed the Ministry of Finance to reconsider measures to reduce excise taxes on oil again. to collect a tax rate of 0.20 baht per liter or gradually increase the tax rate according to the ladder rate or set a new appropriate tax rate Because at present it is still an important recovery period for the aviation and tourism business. It is also an opportunity to stimulate and promote the overall economy of the country. Importantly, such measures will help control domestic fare prices. so as not to affect passengers.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency