Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Expanding the framework of financial resources for Muslims in Ranong Province

Ranong Province, "Chulphan" joins with Islamic Bank. Expand the financial resources framework for Muslims in Ranong Province, prepare to coordinate with the Ministry of Commerce to provide cheap products and the Ministry of Energy to help fishermen. Mr. Chulaphan Amornvivat, Deputy Minister of Finance Go to the meeting area Government officials, community leaders, religious leaders at the Rahmah Mosque in Ranong Province are ready to listen to the problems of people in the area. Ask the government to solve the problem. By requesting to organize a project to sell cheap products in the community. and arable land problems The land overlaps with the land of the National Parks Department. Ask the government to expedite the process of turning it into SAO land, including solving local fishing problems. which has problems making it impossible to fish Ready to provide funding sources for the villagers. Mr. Chulphan said that coming to this area Met with people from the Muslim Brotherhood group. with approximately 3 0 percent in Ranong Province By visiting the area together with the Islamic Bank of Thailand along with emphasizing that important government policies is a mechanism for accessing careers Access to credit sources which was deposited with Islamic Bank Expand the framework for increasing credit to the public. To have easy access to funding sources To be sufficient for occupation From talking to the people, they were aware of the problems. Those problems are things that the government is moving forward with, such as land rights problems. Especially the land overlapping with land belonging to the National Park Department. As for taking care of living expenses Even though the government is moving forward in reducing energy prices But access to consumer products At a reasonable price is necessary. He received the question Go talk to the Ministry of Commerce. To find ways to solve problems Mr. Chulaphan also mentioned the fishing problem. He acknowledged that there had been a problem since 10 years ago regarding IU U, which the European Union had come to look into regarding the use of illegal labor. The past government has tried to find a solution. But it has affected the occupation of fishermen. The fact that at least 2-30,000 fishing boats have stopped their occupation has greatly affected the Thai fishing industry. 'Today the government has the trigger to register again. in order to be able to earn a living and sail In addition, the government also needs to help promote costs such as oil for fishing. It will go to discuss with the Ministry of Energy. The other story is different in terms of mechanics. is local coastal fishing The support mechanisms may be different. The government accepted it as a problem. and will continue to find solutions to solve problems,' Mr. Chulphan Said. Source: Thai News Agency