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Expelling an obscene computer teacher and 3 female students from school.

Nakhon Sawan, Villagers in Tha Tako District, Nakhon Sawan Province, protested to expel a "computer teacher" from the school after he sexually assaulted three female students. Recently, the school has severely punished him and has removed him from government service. Yesterday (Feb. 5), father and mother took Miss Kluay (pseudonym), age 10, a Grade 4 student, to report at Tha Tako Police Station, Tha Tako District, Nakhon Sawan Province, so that legal action could be taken against the teacher. Teach computers, music and art at a school in Tha Tako District, charged with sexual harassment. Inside the classroom The incident occurred in the afternoon of January 29th. The mother of Miss Kluai (pseudonym) said that the matter became red because her daughter told her brother about the teacher's actions. Before my brother came to tell me again. Therefore, he had to hurry and ask his daughter very hard. After listening to the whole story, he became angry because he could not accept that the teacher was abusing his daughter. Not just once But it's been done before. Since my daughter was in Grade 3 in the first semester, and it wasn't just my daughter who was treated like this. Because there were two other female students who were treated in the same way. So he took his daughter to report the matter on February 1st. Today (February 6th), he brought his daughter to give additional information to the police. before being taken for questioning by a multidisciplinary team It is learned that two more parents of children who were subjected to the same type of treatment will also report to the police today. As for Miss Kluai's father (pseudonym), he insists that he will take the matter to the end. Teachers like this should absolutely not be left alone. Because this kind of action made my daughter so afraid that she didn't dare go to school. As for the parents of two girls who were sexually abused by teachers, they brought their daughters to report to the police earlier. One of them, the daughter of Ms. Irin (pseudonym), aged 37, revealed that she was harassed by a bald, glasses-wearing teacher by touching her breasts. Until the daughter had to escape quickly and tell her mother. And the daughter is also a classmate with Miss Kluai (pseudonym). The other girl is known to have been violated by touching her genitals. So they want this physical education teacher to go to jail. Pol. Col. Issaret Handam, superintendent of Tha Tako Police Station, gave information that he had been notified about this matter since February 1st. Two parents of the girl have brought their daughters to report the matter. Today, another person has been reported and is currently being investigated. Collaborate with multidisciplinary and social development Therefore, no charges have been filed at this time. The teacher at the school who was accused was aware that he had contacted the police. He will request to surrender himself to fight the case tomorrow (Feb. 7), but if he does not come as scheduled, a summons will be issued first. And if the summons still d oes not appear, an arrest warrant will be issued. But as far as we know right now, the said teacher is still in the area. Didn't escape anywhere The reporter traveled to the school. which is the parent school of the teacher who was reported It was revealed from the school director that after knowing about the matter The school immediately set up a committee to investigate the facts. And now the said teacher has been released from teaching status at this school for the time being. If found to have committed an offense as alleged, punishment will be carried out according to government regulations. As for the students who were treated The school is not complacent. The school has provided relief, comfort and encouragement to the three students who were treated. Source: Thai News Agency