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FDA confirms no use of PFAS substances in Thai cosmetics

BANGKOK, 12 Mar- The FDA confirms the use of PFAS compounds in cosmetic products sold in Thailand. Ask the public to be confident in their safety.


According to the news, EPA New Zealand has proposed banning the use of PFAS in cosmetic products in line with the European Union (EU). The FDA has reviewed cosmetics registered in Thailand and found no use of PFAS and 13 of its derivatives. It is an ingredient, asking the public to be confident in its safety. The FDA has surveillance. Monitor the safety of the use of various substances in cosmetics regularly.

Pharmacist Weerachai Nalawachai Deputy Secretary-General of the Food and Drug Administration Mentioned online news from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) New Zealand, which proposed that the New Zealand government ban the use of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances. (perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances : PFAS) in cosmetic products in order to comply with the European Union (EU) by the end of 2025, the implementation of such matters in Thailand. The Food and Drug Administration is in the process of issuing the Notification of the Ministry of Public Health on the names of substances prohibited to be used as ingredients in the production of cosmetics, B.E. by the draft announcement Passed the consideration of the cosmetic committee. It is in the process of proposing the Minister to sign the announcement next. Imported and sold in Thailand. The use of PFAS and its derivatives was not found.
All 13 substances are ingredients and the FDA has a plan to collect samples to monitor prohibited substances. If violations are found Offenders will be prosecuted according to the law in all cases.


However, if consumers have questions about the safety of health products For more information or complaints, please contact FDA Hotline 1556 or via Line@FDAThai, Facebook: FDAThai or E-mail:, PO Box 1556, Post Office, Ministry of Public Health, Nonthaburi Province 11004. or provincial public health offices across the country .



Source: Thai News Agency