Thailand Recorder

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Fisheries Association urges Prime Minister Solving the severe fall in prices of aquatic animal products

Bangkok, The president of the Fisheries Association of Thailand sent a letter to the 22 provincial fisheries associations and wrote to the Prime Minister to hasten a meeting with relevant agencies to solve the problem of severely depressed prices of aquatic animal products. This is due to the opening of the market to import cheap aquatic animal products for processing and export. Resulting in small and large cold storage rooms stocking up on stock. There was a dumping of the domestic market. Mr. Mongkol Sukcharoenkana, President of the Fisheries Association of Thailand, wrote to the Fisheries Association of 22 seaside provinces which are members of the Fisheries Association of Thailand to write to the Prime Minister. Ask the Prime Minister to invite all responsible agencies involved. including the Fisheries Association of Thailand Thai Chamber of Commerce Federation of Thai Industries and important major aquatic animal product processing operators Come join the meeting to find urgent solutions to the proble m of declining animal products. Mr. Mongkol said The situation of a severe and continuous decline in the price of aquatic animal products. There is no tendency to move up yet. Even though government agencies are rushing to inspect aquatic animal products at various points. However intensely It is seen that The cause is that the previous government opened channels for importing aquatic animal products to facilitate entrepreneurs processing aquatic animal products for export. But the result has become an opening for entrepreneurs to bring in aquatic animal products to sell in the domestic market. By stocking in various cold rooms Almost everywhere was full. both small and large entrepreneurs From such situation As a result, entrepreneurs who purchase aquatic animal products within the country are unable to compete on price and must therefore purchase aquatic animal products at very low prices. As a result, the price of aquatic animal products within the country has fallen and there is no chance of it rising at all. If there is no measure to stop imports or seriously slow down imports immediately Using legal measures according to Section 92 of the 2015 Fisheries Act and trade laws regarding dumping of domestic products. Mr. Mongkol said The Prime Minister has the highest authority to give orders to solve problems. Therefore, it is necessary to reflect the urgent problems of fishermen in all 22 provinces by creating two books consisting of Issue 1 to the Prime Minister (Through provincial governors in every province) which may lead fishermen to submit letters so that government agencies are aware of the problems at both the provincial and national levels. Issue 2 to the President of the Fisheries Association of Thailand so that there is another channel to send a letter to the Prime Minister as well. The proposal to write to the Prime Minister is as follows: 1. Requesting the Prime Minister's favor to invite a meeting to resolve the problem of severely depressed prices of aquatic animal products. By inviting a ll relevant agencies Fisheries Association of Thailand and local fisheries associations of 22 provinces, Thai Chamber of Commerce Federation of Thai Industries Operators of large, medium and small aquatic product processing plants 2. Request to stop or delay the import of aquatic animal products that are at risk of being IUU products from countries that have been given red and yellow cards by the European Union first. 3. Request that there be the same traceability measures as Thai fishermen. In the case of sending aquatic animal products into Thailand By having the Fisheries Department announce various criteria and conditions. according to international standards Announcement issued by virtue of Section 92 of the Fisheries Royal Decree B.E. 2015 4. Request that there be a system for inspecting aquatic animal products imported from neighboring countries. Did you get it rightfully or not? You have to do it the way Thai fishing boats do. 5. Please inspect all importers of aquatic animal products. Has the ope ration been carried out according to the law or not? 6. Request an inspection of various cold rooms. that are imported for processing ourselves or receive consignment of aquatic animal products from importers 7. Request urgent measures to guarantee the price of aquatic animal products. 8. Request to urgently expedite the granting of loans to enhance liquidity for fishermen. 9. Request that fishing boats be bought back out of the system urgently. Mr. Mongkol emphasized that Hopefully the Prime Minister will urgently meet to find a solution. Before Thai fishermen could no longer bear the burden and had to moor fishing boats all over the country. Source: Thai News Agency