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Fishing boat caught fire while receiving oil at sea

Phang Nga, 28 April - A fire broke out on a fishing boat near the Surin Islands, Phang Nga Province, while receiving oil in the Andaman Sea. Injured 2 crew members, 1 seriously. This is a picture of the moment the fire broke out on the fishing boat "Sri Thong Prae 7", an equipment boat. The fishnet trawler, boat size 67.48 gross tons, had a crew of 9 people, 2 Thais and 7 Burmese, while receiving oil at sea and sank. At 3:30 a.m., the Phang Nga Provincial Port Security Control Center was notified of the incident. The boat fire occurred 15 miles from shore, southwest of the Surin Islands, Ko Phra Thong Subdistrict, Kuraburi District, Phang Nga Province. From questioning the captain of the Chan Udomsombat 1 boat who went to help all the crew members, it was said that there were only 2 crew members who had minor injuries and one person who was almost 100% burned by the fire. One person was in serious condition. His name is known as Mr. Pairat, aged 54 years. Ship mechanic Srithongprae 7 All the injured were t aken to Kuraburi Chaiyapat Hospital. finished The cause of the fire on the ship is believed to have been caused by oil vapor during receiving oil hitting engine parts in the engine room, causing a fire. Source: Thai News Agency