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Found 70 gas stores accepting swiping state welfare cards for the wrong purpose.

Bangkok, June 11 – Department of Energy Business. Strict control of swiping government welfare cards to buy gas If cheating swipe to buy other products The store is immediately disqualified from participating in the project. Initially, 70 merchants were found guilty.

After 2022, continuing in early 2023, the government welfare card limit to help 14 million low-income people increased the discount limit for buying cooking gas from 45 to 100 baht per person per 3 months and was recently reduced to 80 baht per person. people per 3 months, starting from April to June 2023. It appears that the Department of Energy Business has received complaints that many gas stores have unusually high card balances. and from the examination it was found that There is a swipe of money for the wrong purpose, there is fraud, for example, instead of swiping money to buy gas Instead, it is a swipe of money to exchange for other products such as eggs, vegetable oil, rice, etc.

Therefore, to control gas stores The latest regulation has been proposed. and the Royal Gazette on the qualifications of cooking gas stores Become a gas shop to receive payment from the use of state welfare rights Has already taken effect, for example, requiring new stores that join the project to have a notification of a controlled business operation According to the Fuel Control Act, have a storefront, exact location, shop location, have never been revoked by having a list in the Krungthai Bank system, never uninstalling the EDC machine or canceling the money bag application to receive payment from the welfare of the state (discount on buying cooking gas), do not accept payment for cooking gas by other forms which is an advance payment, such as collecting coupons, accumulating points, combining right to deliver later And do not accept other forms of redemption. which is not the objective of the discount for the purchase of cooking gas

In case of violation or non-compliance with the specified conditions Department of Energy Business or the provincial energy office that accepts applications as gas stores will be revoked as a gas shop participating in the project And notify the Comptroller General's Department to consider returning the EDC or canceling the use of the money bag application Including taking legal action according to the relevant laws as well

Mrs. Pattira Saiprathumthip Deputy Director General of the Department of Energy Business said that the Department's preliminary Found a gas shop Violating the terms of about 70 stores out of the number of participating 2,800 stores from across the country. 10,000-20,000 stores, therefore it is expected that more entrepreneurs will apply to participate in the project, which the Department has organized a central and provincial energy team to inspect every store that enters the project. to prevent corruption and use government money effectively. – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency