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Friends mourn the cremation of “Nong Aom”

Chiang Mai, May 4 - The cremation of "Nong Aom", a young saleswoman who was deceived. At noon, the atmosphere is filled with sorrow. mourning friends Husband shed tears requesting the death penalty for the accused

The atmosphere of the funeral ceremony The female salesman who was hired by Mr. Nattaphon Conspiracy to steal property, deceive and kill on the 29th last april Today, many relatives and friends of Nong Aom came to attend the event at Wat Pa Bong, Nong Han Sub-district, San Sai District, Chiang Mai Province. The atmosphere was filled with sorrow. For the schedule after the host pays tribute to the monks at 11:00 a.m., then at 12:15 p.m. the body of Nong Aom will be transported. Go to Ban Pa Bong Cemetery

Mr. Amnat, husband of Nong Aom, said through tears that today he would send his wife to heaven. I want to tell Nong Aom to go in peace without worrying about anything. Especially his daughter will take care of him as best he can. As for the case, it goes according to the legal process. and he had nothing to say to the accused The man who killed his brother but noted that the confession To say that he did not intend to kill is a lie. because it was well planned which the dead cannot speak I also asked for justice for Nong Aom. And although the accused has been arrested and charged with the highest But he wanted to be punished until the death penalty. because if imprisoned for life, but later received a reduction from prison It's another threat to society. and seen from the news of Mr. Nattaphon I didn't seem to feel any guilt. Plus he has a face that's not sad at all. Personally, I'm fascinated by Nong Aom's phone. which the accused claimed to have left He wanted Nong Aom's phone back. At least keep it as a souvenir. and would also like to know if Mr. Nattaphon What did you talk to Nong Aom before the incident?

Finally, I would like to thank all the encouragement that helped find Nong Aom on the day she disappeared. and send encouragement to themselves and their families as well as well as asking for the police officers who receive information about missing persons The risk to missing persons has also been taken into account. in order to receive help in a timely manner Because the incident of Nong Aom who disappeared had unusual behavior indicating the danger that would occur. Therefore, I would like the case of Nong Aom to be an example that will make changes in helping find missing people who do not have to wait 24 hours.

While Nong Nam Pai Aom's best friend Said that she was Aom's friend, working in sales together for 3 years, and they were almost next to each other. There were 365 days in a year, they talked 360 days. He therefore went to contact the telephone center for GPS tracking and when the villain answered the call, he spoke to delay the time. so that the police can follow up But in the end, it's not in time. So I want the government officials to take better care of the victims. If amending the law to follow the missing person immediately Aom may have survived. As for the accused, he asked for severe punishment up to the death penalty. Because he has a history of committing sexual offenses for more than 6 cases, if he comes out, it will be a threat to society again.

It is known that before the incident The accused also lured salespeople in Hang Dong to hope to cause the crime as well. But fortunately, sales were not fooled. In the case of Om, no one expected that the culprit would use a trick to drive a car, causing Aom to walk to the coffee shop until the tragedy occurred later. Even if everyone helps each other to find it fully

In this regard, I want everyone to understand that sales are service work. that must take good care of customers But from now on, there will be discussions on finding preventive measures, for example, there will no longer be going out to find customers outside the center. So ask customers to understand. For what I want to tell my friend Om That is, if there is a real next life, let's meet again.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency