Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Gave 7 out of 10, but failed the test for public communication.

Office of the Election Commission of Thailand, June 9-"Somchai" welcomed the Election Commission of Thailand for 25 years. The orange line has no political implications. because everyone Reducing the work grade 7 out of 10, indicating that he still failed the public communication test.

Mr. Somchai Srisuthiyakorn, former Election Commissioner (ECT) mentioned his congratulations on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Election Commission of Thailand, which Mr. Itthaporn Boonprakong, President of the Election Commission of Thailand presented Phra Thammawachira. scholar (Thongdee Thitayuso), which was given by the grace of Chao Phra Thammawajirasuthee The abbot of Wat Awut Wiksitaram gave Mr. Somchai 1 statue as well, saying that the chairman of the Election Commission gave it to everyone. It doesn't matter that the Buddha image is red and the orange line is more of a coincidence.

“Meeting with the ECT, we talked normally. I apologize for my criticisms on various issues in the past. The Election Commission understands and thanks. Because many of the protests were helpful in improving the work of the ECT. I encourage you all the time As posted via Facebook frankly speaking Watch what you do well Sometimes it reflects what is an opinion. Distrust of the public to let the ECT know the people. Sometimes the ECT has done well. But people still have doubts. Counting new votes is the right action. But sometimes people don't understand. May be seen as playing tricks or not Here, I encourage the ECT to work to prove professionalism. and don't be swayed by criticism. Solve criticism to achieve results, ”said Mr. Somchai.

When asked to compare the work of the Election Commission of Thailand in the era of Mr. Somchai and the current era, Mr. Somchai said that his work was more difficult in his era. There was no office in the era had to go wandering in different places, government centers were confiscated for months Provincial offices in 11 provinces were also confiscated. Government agencies do not cooperate in work. It's a threatened era, going north, going south, being threatened, which is not an ordinary threat. but life threatening

As for how much the Election Commission will give this set of points, Mr. Somchai said that it would give 7 out of 10. If it was divided into the category of communication with the people, it would still fail. Because I rarely talk Rarely communicates with the public But overall work is 7-8 points can be given. because of successful work everything is in order There is not too little intention to solve the problem.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency