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Internal Affairs

GC debentures received the Deal of the Year award.

BANGKOK, March 17-30 billion baht of GC debentures has won the 2022 “Deal of the Year” award.

Ms. Pattharalada Sa-ngsaeng, Executive Vice President Finance and Accounting Division, PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited (GC), revealed that GC received the 2022 Best Fixed Income Award in the category of Deal of the Year. The most outstanding in all aspects and widely accepted by investors in 2022. The award-winning debenture is GC Debenture No. 1/2022, which GC has successfully issued and offered Baht-denominated debentures. Total number 30, 000 million baht to institutional investors and/or high net worth investors To support the implementation of GC's strategy to enter the High Value Business, the event was organized by the Thai Bond Market Association, organizing the ThaiBMA Best Bond Awards 2022. The objective is to recognize outstanding organizations and personnel in fixed income transactions. and encourage organizations Related parties jointly develop the bond market for sustainable growth. .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency