Thailand Recorder

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“Genius” brings evidence to submit Narcotics Control Board takes action against major drug syndicates

ONCB, "Achariya" brought evidence to the Narcotics and Money Laundering Sub-Committee to submit to the ONCB to seize assets of a major drug ring with tens of billions in circulating funds. Mr. Atchariya Ruangrattanaphong The president of the Crime Victims Assistance Club brought evidence of a major drug trafficking ring to Mrs. Methini Patanapakdee, secretary of the Department of the Narcotics Control Board (NACC), stating that there was evidence from the Narcotics Sub-Committee. and money laundering in 2019 regarding drug trafficking At the national level, money is laundered through illegal oil trade and large online gambling websites. There are names of up to 200 people involved, including government officials from the Excise Department, Customs Department, and political parties involved. This network was arrested in a special case. and many cases of the Metropolitan Police Bureau Death sentences have already been given to some of the accused in this network. But it's not yet the main cause. which he brou ght evidence to give to request that the seizure of assets be expedited There is more than 15,000 million baht circulating in the system by cheating on oil taxes and laundering it. Through many gambling websites and illegal business companies which he has given the name list to the ONCB as well, if the ONCB seizes the property This large network will solve 30-40% of the drug problem where this group is dealing in drug trafficking and money laundering. Source: Thai News Agency