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Internal Affairs

German President praises delicious “Tom Kha Kai”

Bangkok, "Prime Minister Settha" was delighted when the German president praised the delicious "Tom Kha Kai", one of the lunch menus the government organized in honor of his visit to Thailand. Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, posted a tweet x welcoming Mr. Frank Walter Steinmeier, President of the Federal Republic of Germany. and the Prime Minister hosted a luncheon In honor of the President of Germany and his wife. at the Santi Maitri building outside The Prime Minister posted about 1 of the food that was welcomed today. And it received praise from the President of Germany, namely Tom Kha Kai, as another local dish with a unique taste. But foreigners may not be very familiar with it. Last year (2023) TasteAtlas was an encyclopedia of local food around the world. It is ranked as the number one delicious chicken soup out of 10 famous chicken soup menus from many countries. 'Today is lunch. We welcomed President Frank Walter Steinmeier with Tom Kha Kai. which the German president even said The deliciousness is unanimous. But I just today understood the difference between the word "spicy" for Thai people and "spicy" for foreigners," the Prime Minister stated. Source: Thai News Agency