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GGC clarifies progress in prosecuting lost raw materials

Bangkok, June 26-GGC clarified the prosecution and the progress of the lawsuit. Lost raw materials, year 2018, damage worth 2,157 million baht, there are 11 offenders in many cases, the court has reached the final decision. Both imprisonment and damages are punishable.

Global Green Chemicals Public Company Limited or GGC clarified about the incident of GGC's raw material inventory loss that occurred during June 2018 that according to GGC reported to the Stock Exchange of Thailand and GGC has taken internal steps. A fact-finding committee was set up.

The decision has been made to remove the relevant executives and employees from being employees. and report the prosecution of executives and employees and all relevant partners In addition, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) also accused the former managing director and 2 GGC executives, namely (1) Mr. Jirawat Nuritanon at the time of the incident (during 2014). -2018) as Managing Director and (2) Mr. Wanlop Thienthong while the incident was Manager of Marketing, Sales and Raw Materials Purchasing Department. In the case of being a director or executive in a subsidiary of a listed company and a listed company failing to perform their duties with responsibility caution and honesty which is corruption that causes damage to GGC

By committing the offense along with 9 others who were raw material sellers, namely (3) Anatta Green Co., Ltd. (4) Mr. Pollaphat Sriwisanwong (5) Isan Palm Industry Development Co., Ltd. (6) Unity Palm Corporation Oil Co., Ltd. (7) Mr. Borom Engchuan (8) GI Green Palm Oil Co., Ltd. (9) Mrs. Thanipa Phuangchampa (10) O PG Tech Co., Ltd. and (11) Mr. Setha. Pattanamas, in the case of joint action for the Company Buy raw materials and pay the full purchase price to the seller. without obtaining all the raw materials or receiving only some Instead, it was recorded in the Company's accounting system. that all raw materials have been received Including the case of delivering raw materials to the refinery without actually refining, causing GGC to suffer losses totaling 2,157 million baht.

In such cases, GGC as a victim Has adjusted the work process to be more efficient and in line with the principles of good corporate governance of the SEC, as well as provided information and clarifications to the SEC and the Crime Suppression Division regarding Economic crimes (ECD) by both agencies have already been informed of the clarification information since the end of 2022, which GGC continues to monitor. Accelerate the prosecution of both civil and criminal cases against former executives. and all partners continuously until now

Currently, various cases There has been a lot of progress. Many court cases have reached the final decision. by deciding that former executives and business partners actually committed an offense The remaining case is still in the judicial process. Good corporate governance according to international standards Including will continue to prosecute various cases that are pending continuously.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency