Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Going through the exam to use the advance budget to lay grass in front of the Thai building.

Parliament, "Ruangkrai" is about to submit a complaint to the NACC. Examining the use of the 2024 budget in advance for laying grass in front of the Thai building and renovating the Government House, even though the budget has not yet been released, indicating that it is in violation of Sections 141 and 144. Prepare to submit to the Constitutional Court for a decision. If it is truly wrong, the entire cabinet must be removed. Deprived of political rights for life Mr. Rueangkrai Leekitwattana, a member of the Palang Pracharat Party Referring to the case of submission to examine the use of the budget for improving Government House and laying grass in front of the Thai Khu Fah Building, 138 million baht, that the budget used for improving Government House is the budget of the Cabinet Secretariat for the year 2024, which was submitted for consideration. of the Special Committee to consider the budget expenditures for fiscal year 2024, a total of 12 items, which have never appeared in fiscal year 2023 before and are not binding budgets. It cannot be used for the time being. Because it is an investment expense It is not a regular expense like government officials' salaries. 'Planting grass in front of Government House using the 2024 budget in advance is therefore likely to violate sections 141 and 144 of the Constitution, paragraph 3, which if the Cabinet knows about it and does not stop and stop it. Report the matter to the Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC). Examine in secret and submit it to the Constitutional Court for decision within 15 days. Even though it is argued that other improvements have not yet been completed, the grass planting in front of the Thai Khu Fah building is considered to be clearly completed,' Mr. Rueangkrai said. Mr. Rueangkrai revealed that today he proposed to cut all 12 budget items from the 2024 budget, which even though it received approval from the House of Representatives. Laying grass is considered an offense under Section 144 because there is no source of the budget. which were used to improve the Government House If the translation of the proposed budget reduction motion is completed today, the documents will be sent by mail to send the matter to the NACC. Tomorrow (March 14) in time for consideration of the draft budget for 2024, which if the court points out that it violates the constitution, the entire Cabinet will be guilty. The entire faculty must be removed from their positions. and deprived of political rights for life We have to see when the grass is green. Will there be people with green faces? Source: Thai News Agency