Thailand Recorder

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Governor of Chiang Mai orders urgent relief for foreign tourists on motorcycles who fell into a pothole.

Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai Governor urgently orders Provincial Electricity Authority and project contractors. Compensation for foreign tourists After an accident, a motorcycle fell into a pothole on the road around the Chiang Mai moat. From the incident of foreign tourists riding along Maneenopparat Road. Outer moat in Chiang Mai city Passing in front of Chang Phueak Market Running in the middle of the road to the Chang Phueak Gate intersection, the road collapsed and the front wheel of the motorcycle fell into a pothole until the vehicle lost control and somersaulted. The foreign male rider and foreign female passenger riding in the back were both injured. damaged motorcycle Villagers who witnessed the incident said The incident occurred yesterday evening (March 23). Previously, a hole was dug for a project to lay underground electrical cables. Sand was used to fill and compact the hole. But foreign tourists come by on motorbikes and the underground road should suddenly collapse. until an accident occurred We ll, there was no car following behind. This morning, orange rubber cones were set up to warn. But it was found that the area nearby had begun to have cracks and collapse. Therefore, we would like the relevant agencies to investigate and make corrections. Because there have been many accidents like this in the past. Governor of Chiang Mai Province Express regret for the incident and stated that he had ordered the Provincial Electricity Authority which is the hiring unit and contractor company that has come to provide compensation and compensation to the injured and has ordered relevant agencies to take care of the neatness of the road surface so that accidents do not occur again. for the people of Chiang Mai who travel Including tourists being safe and most satisfied. Recently it was reported that After the incident, the contractor company went to take care of the damage and took the victims to record a daily report as evidence at the Chiang Mai Provincial Police Station. and are willing to reimburse the cos t of motorcycle repairs and all medical expenses for tourists injured in this incident. Source: Thai News Agency