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Hail storm – rain hits 3 villages, almost 30 houses damaged

Nakhon Sawan, July 9-Late evening yesterday Hail storms and rains hit 3 houses in Nakhon Sawan Province, nearly 30 damaged, and damaged.

Villagers in Village 1, Village 8 and Village 11, Khao Din Subdistrict, Kao Liao District, Nakhon Sawan Province rushed to collect house parts and repair. After yesterday's evening, there was a rain storm, strong winds and hail. It resulted in the destruction of nearly 30 homes, downed trees, and power outages.

One of the affected villagers said that there was a thunderstorm The wind gusts like a whirlwind, causing damage to his home and others. while the Khao Din Subdistrict Administrative Organization Accelerate to survey the damage to continue to help.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency