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Happiness and sustainable development

Global warming is a big problem that we are feeling more and more these days. As the temperature of the world warms up every year, as the Secretary-General of the United Nations or United Nations It was said in the middle of 2023 that we have ended the era of global warming (Global Warming) and are entering the era of global boiling (Global Boiling). It is undeniable that the problem of extreme climate change is this. It has a profound effect on human happiness and well-being. As our world is facing more serious environmental problems every day, whether it is climate change. to the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of natural resources There are many studies that show the association of a poor or polluted environment with poorer mental and physical health of people. In other words, a healthy environment and sustainable development have a positive effect on happiness and well-being. From the World Happiness Report in 2020, there was a study of the relationship between the level of sustainable developm ent and overall happiness. (from self-assessment surveyed by Gallup World Poll) which was found to be related. Countries with higher levels of happiness achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) generally faster than countries with lower levels of happiness. (Although some SDGs goals are not positively related to happiness levels.) Overall, a country's happiness level and its level of sustainable development are related in the same direction. Scandinavian countries have a high correlation between happiness and the Sustainable Development Goals. However, although many studies show that the environment and sustainable development influence happiness, Happiness is not the only result of sustainable development. But it is something that will result in success in sustainable development. From the concept of developing human inner happiness at the mental and intellectual level according to Buddhist principles. This type of happiness reduces dependence on external factors and the use of resources. which is h appiness that is more sustainable than happiness from external factors that are not sustainable And this lasting happiness will make sustainable development effective. As the concept of Somdej Phra Buddhakosajarn (P.O. Payutto) has written in the book Sustainable Development (2006). Therefore, as countries move towards sustainable development according to the world development agenda, Giving importance to people's happiness can also lead to achieving sustainable development goals. Therefore, it is time for Thailand to give importance to development that focuses on the happiness of the people. Happiness that comes from a balance of internal and external factors as a whole, including body, mind, environment, and society, which is in line with middle-way economics with moderation and responsible consumption and production. Create awareness of reducing the use of world resources and reducing pollution. which is the cause of the problems of global warming and a boiling world that we have to face today. Although international organizations The public and private sectors have been accelerating the adoption of measures to achieve carbon neutrality and zero greenhouse gas emissions in line with international commitments. But overall, it seems that this is still not very effective. According to Climate Watch Data, which reported in March 2022, it summarized the greenhouse gas emissions data that Thailand is the 20th largest greenhouse gas emitting country in the world and has the highest proportion of greenhouse gas emissions. 0.88% of the entire world and is 2nd in ASEAN after Indonesia. Thailand's setting of goals for carbon neutrality (in 2050) and zero greenhouse gas emissions (in 2065) was later than the target. of the world for 20 years and 15 years, which will have a negative effect on economic adjustment in the direction of sustainability in the face of international pressure in terms of international trade, investment, and damage to the environment and natural resources. which will affect the happiness of the pe ople Therefore, the issue of environment and sustainable development should be given serious and urgent importance. Therefore, on this International Day of Happiness, March 20, 2024, all sectors should be aware of the problem and seriously accelerate environmental conservation. Conservation and responsible use of resources Not only does it make the environment better. But it also plays an important role in increasing human happiness. Therefore, the use of innovations and new policy tools should be encouraged to expand environmental responsibility. Create awareness of reducing the use and conservation of natural resources. Including developing the inner happiness of humans more. This will have a positive impact on sustainable development even further. Source: Thai News Agency