Thailand Recorder

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Heartbreaking: Airlines deny wheelchair users boarding.

Ministry of Public Health, "Warawut" is shocked when an airline refuses a disabled person in a wheelchair to board a plane, urging the Director-General of the Public Health Ministry to discuss in the sub-committee to quickly eliminate unfair discrimination against disabled people. Mr. Warawut Silpa-archa, Minister of Social Development and Human Security (Ministry of Social Development and Human Security), said after receiving a letter of complaint about airlines violating travel rights. and ask for cooperation Join in solving the problem so that everyone has truly equal travel rights from Mr. Kritsana Lalai as a representative of the network driving mass transit for all people. Specify as there is news One Thai airline Refusal to provide service to passengers with disabilities in wheelchairs Giving the reason that he was unable to walk by himself, he said that he was extremely depressed. Silpa-archa family and the Thai Chart Pattana Party Working with disabled brothers and sisters since the time of Mr. Ban harn Silpa-archa. Until today, 8 years later, the problem is still not completely solved. The situation that occurred was something that should not have happened. Especially at present that we are already an aging society We must have public utilities and buildings. or even all amenities for everyone, which is the most important government policy Whatever you do, it's up to you. We must not leave anyone behind. No one here, regardless of age, gender, or even status. 'That happened. He urged the Director-General of the Department of Promotion and Development of the Quality of Life of Persons with Disabilities (DMD) to bring the matter to the meeting of the Subcommittee on the Elimination of Unfair Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities as soon as possible. However, Mae Jamsai Silpa-archa is 90 years old. Wherever she goes, she must I have the same cart. These things must be said to not occur to me. Absolutely do not know. Today we are normal people. When an accident occurs We will become disabled. M ust rely on various tools When did this happen? We never especially knew that he had ever had the opportunity to try riding in a wheelchair. Each day each person with disabilities leaves their home is an adventure, a risk. is not knowing that We will get a response. How will they be treated?' Mr. Warawut said. Mr. Warawut said that he will proceed fully under the authority of the Ministry of Human Rights. In addition to various mass transit aircraft, it must also include various locations. Providing various government services, locations, ramps, and paths for the blind as well. Because in the end, Thailand In addition to being Ignite Thailand, it must also be an Accessible Thailand that every citizen should be able to go to. Especially today we are an aging society. Soon it will be filled with adults. Elders to use a wheelchair If the cart can go Blind people can go. Elderly people can go. It has become the origin of the word Arya architecture or Universal Design. Therefore today We'll come help each other. Make our country a good society to live in. Answers to solve social problems Not just any group. But it will make our society a better place to live. Source: Thai News Agency