Thailand Recorder

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His Majesty gave the “Principles for the End of Suffering” from the Dhammanava “Wang” edition to the Thai people.

His Majesty the King His Majesty the King graciously bestowed the "Principles for the End of Suffering" in the "Wang" Dhamma Nava edition to the Thai people. His Majesty King Vajiralongkorn His Majesty has a royal memorial in consideration of His Majesty's great grace. of His Majesty the Lord Buddha in the royal capacity of Buddhist Mamaka and the patron saint He performed his royal duties diligently, small and large. To nourish and nourish Buddhism which has the teachings of the Lord Buddha as a teacher It has been maintained for the benefit of all Buddhists by studying (pariyat), embracing the Dhamma teachings and putting into practice (practice) in order to reach (pativate), which is the essence of the religion, which is the end of suffering. Therefore, His Majesty saw the importance of disseminating valuable Dhamma principles to Buddhists. as well as all citizens of the nation to study the principles and procedures Which is known as following the Dhamma and teachings in order to reach the knowledge, th e awakened, the joyful, which is called "Buddha" which is the truth that is knowledge. Like one who knows with wisdom Through the principles of natural truth What the Lord Buddha brought to teach is called "Dhamma" by being one who leads and practices until one is able to understand and see according to what is called "Sangha". This Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha is a refuge that should be taken as mental strength. Truly intellectual power according to the Dharmanava practice guidelines of Phra Charuvanno Bhikkhu (Phra Achan Ton). Therefore, His Majesty graciously graciously Royally bestowed For the sake of happiness which should truly be received from Buddhism through the principles of practicing correctly according to the Buddhist precepts To the Buddhist community and all groups of people offer it as Buddha worship, Dhamma worship, Sangha worship, Matapitu worship, Achariya worship, and offer as merit to the King. All His Majesties the Great Kings. Source: Thai News Agency