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Hopes that the new government will adjust the electricity structure according to the 8-party MOU

Bangkok, May 31 - FTI hopes the new government will speed up the improvement of the electricity structure according to the MOU 8. The coalition advises the new government to pay more attention and take additional steps such as promoting and developing science, technology, research and innovation. To create new opportunities for the country, raising the level of labor productivity is a national agenda.

Mr. Montri Mahapruekphong, Vice President of the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) revealed the results of the 29th FTI Poll survey in May 2023 under the topic “What does the industrial sector think about the MOU, the coalition party forming a government?” No. 8 Political parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to form a government on May 22, 2023, which is something new that has never happened in Thai politics before. The 23 agreements under the MOU have many issues affecting the driving of the Thai economy and industry. According to the survey results, most FTI executives expect the new government to speed up the implementation of power generation structure improvements, price calculations and suitable production capacity. To reduce the cost of living of people and create energy security as specified in the MOU as soon as possible, which is an issue that the industry has been calling for all along in the past.

FTI executives also viewed that in addition to all 23 joint agreements under the MOU that have already been signed. There are still important things that the new government should focus on and take additional action, such as promoting and developing science, technology, research and innovation. To create new opportunities for the country, raise the level of labor productivity as a national agenda, sustainable management of natural resources and the environment, etc., with legal reforms. Regulations and Government Licensing to be convenient, transparent, comparable to developed countries Is the first goal in the operation of the new government. This is considered an important foundation that will enhance Thailand's competitiveness in all dimensions.

However, from the survey of FTI executives (CEO Survey) of 252 people, covering executives from 45 industrial groups and 76 provincial industrial councils. The results of the FTI Poll are summarized as follows:

1. What issues does the industrial sector want to speed up the implementation of the MOU agreement of the coalition government? (Multiple choices)

1st place : Improving the power generation structure Calculation of the right price and capacity To reduce people's cost of living and create energy security and appropriate production capacity. To reduce the cost of living for people and create energy security 75.8%

2nd place : Solving the problem of corruption by creating a transparent system and culture of the state Disclose state information in all departments 71.4%

3rd place: Join to restore the economy by adhering to the principle of increasing public income reduce inequality And create an economic system that grows fairly 65.9%

2. Matters that the industrial sector would like to add to the MOU agreement signed by the coalition government (Multiple choices)

1st place: Promote and develop science, technology, research and innovation to create new opportunities and prepare the country for the future 67.9%

2nd place : Raising the level of labor productivity as a national agenda to develop labor potential Build the ability to compete with rival countries. and focus on creating Personnel development according to industry needs 58.7%

3rd place : Sustainable management of natural resources and the environment such as the management of the entire water system waste water solution Air pollution Comprehensive waste management 58.7%

3. What issues do the industrial sector want the coalition parties to use to set the goals for the new government? (Multiple choices)

1st place: Reforming laws, regulations and requesting government permission to be more convenient and transparent, compared to developed countries, 72.6%

2nd place : Reduce inequality in society And reduce the level of household debt to a sustainable level (below 80% of GDP) 52.4%

3rd place : Solving labor problems And accelerate labor productivity (Labor Productivity) 47.6% .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency