Thailand Recorder

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Hungry thieves steal food from the refrigerator Other assets do not take

Hungry thieves sneak into a shop selling CCTV cameras. Open the fridge and pick up milk, canned fish and drinking water. The shop owner posted a warning clip. Theft has begun

The CCTV recorded the moment the thief climbed into Mr. Adul's shop. Pa Kham Intersection In the municipality of Lampang at 20.40 on August 6th A young man, about 20 years old, wearing a sleeveless shirt. Three-quarter pants, sandals, secretly climbed into the store. look left look right Then walk to open the refrigerator and take out something to eat. and also turned to pick up a bottle similar to fish sauce Probably didn't notice that this shop is also a CCTV shop.

until morning When Mr. Adul came to open the shop, he saw a can of milk. and yellow canned fish but empty cans placed in front of the refrigerator So turn on the closed-circuit camera. Saw a man climb into the store at the iron gate. Sneaked into the gap, expecting to be very hungry, so opened the refrigerator and took 2 cans of milk, 2 more cans of fish, leaving 2 cans and 2 bottles of water. Other property was not found missing. therefore did not report But posted CCTV images to warn people to lock the keys and close the gaps of the house tightly. to prevent crooks from entering the scene . – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency