Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

I believe the Senate gathered less than 84 voices to open the investigation.

Parliament, "Wanchai" reveals that the Senate is still split into three groups on whether to interrogate the government or not. Confident that less than 84 votes will be gathered. I believe that if the Loan Act passes the House, there should not be a problem. Mr. Wanchai Sonsiri, member of the Senate (Senator), spoke about the trend of gathering names to request general debate without voting according to Section 153 of the Senate, that as far as looking at the atmosphere since the morning (9 Jan.), there are still thoughts of 3 way by first group ready to discuss general government The leaders started with the Political Development Commission. with Mr. Serisuwanphanon as the chairman invited the senator Most of them are civilians. It's more of an independent group. While the second group is a group that has a clear attitude that it is not worth discussing. Because it is seen that the government has only been working for 3-4 months and has not yet used the budget. Therefore, there should be no need to hurry and discuss. 'The matters discussed that I would like the government to clarify. The government still hasn't done it. Many matters belong to the previous government. It makes you think that the previous government didn't discuss it. And if this government does it, will it be accused or attacked? This group therefore has a clear attitude that they do not agree. As for the other group, as far as I can see, which is a large group, it is quite neutral, waiting to see the situation. Still keeping quiet As far as the current overall assessment of 84 votes is concerned today and in the days to come, it is not easy for general discussion. Because we have to admit that the large group that controls the noise Looking at the senators, a lot of them come from the military. If the soldiers don't move which is a large group, I think it is difficult As for the civilian group, which is independent, its ideas are scattered and do not have the power of 84 votes within them,' Mr. Wanchai said. Mr. Wanchai said that people who see that we are about to end our duties are unlikely to have a discussion attitude. Some people think that they want the government to explain. But some people think Why are we looking for trouble? I'm going home already. Personally, I'm still in the middle, waiting to see the attitude. It's not clear whether we agree or disagree. I would like to look at the atmosphere for a while. Moreover, this section It must be an important matter for the Cabinet to explain, but as far as I can see, the 8-9 matters discussed have not reached that level yet. It must be an important event that has occurred and caused damage. 'Digital Wallet has not been used yet and we do not know whether we will use it or not. It is a matter of accusation. Therefore there is an opinion that it should be The point already discussed is yes. which is not yet to that extent Because there's still time And as you can see, the working group is not rushing anything. It's only January now, so there's still time to work on this matter. I'm not sure what the government's situation will be. The current situation is not easy. Must go through many more steps. If the decree is passed After passing through the Cabinet, it must still pass through the House of Representatives. As for the Senate, despite suggestions and protests, the vote for Mr. Settha Thaweesin is the Prime Minister. This means that the majority of senators support this government. I'm sure it will pass. Because at the committee level there should be tightness. If we were not careful, it would have been extracted from the Council of State level and the House of Representatives,' Mr. Wanchai said. Mr. Wanchai said that the opposition party believes that it should perform its duties with full force. and may send the matter to the Constitutional Court I believe that if I go through the various processes, there shouldn't be anything. The government is not doing anything like the rice pledging program. That has been announced as a policy and then do it. But this time it will be issued as an Act wh ich once passed the House of Representatives and the Senate. Believe that it is unlikely to stumble or stop. But whether it will be 100% according to the campaign or not is another matter. which must go through many improvement and correction steps. Source: Thai News Agency