Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

I don’t want to see the opposition become flies – confidence is born. “Tsunami of investment”

Parliament, The Prime Minister declares that he does not want to see the opposition turn into flies. Keeping an eye on politics, confident that in the next 2 years there will be a "tsunami of investment", confirming the real voice. government for the people Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister, Minister of Finance Standing up to explain in the general discussion without voting according to Section 152 for the second time of the day, saying thank you for the morning and afternoon that there were widespread discussions and various opinions. I have been here since morning. Moved from the palace to work behind the throne And keep listening. If so, where do you think the advice is? or useful ideas, he also wrote them down. Wherever he needed clarification, he would answer. For attracting foreign investors Every time you have to travel abroad It's an opportunity. and create investment to stimulate the economy which is confident that there will be consequences, confirming that without the Prime Minister, they will fly away like flies. At the same time, I don't want to see that the opposition is a fly. Waiting to play politics Even though the government is trying to move forward with all its might. Driving various policies That is beneficial to the people and confirms that there is no corruption. But if there is, please bring evidence. Happy to provide clarification. The government is ready to work for the people. The Prime Minister said that last week he had the Thai trade representative with BOI Secretary The achievements have been clearly explained. Including a team of ambassadors and a working group. Follow up on the work of the countries they have traveled to. And attracting investors is important. It's not taking business. Or just money coming in? Many of the things we see are important, such as increasing skills. Recent graduates must adjust to a highly profitable industry. or high-tech industry It will be added to investment agreements in Thailand. To ensure that our people receive appropriate internships and c an advance to higher income countries. The part that says We haven't seen any money come in to invest yet. The Prime Minister said that if we really work, we will know if people will invest 500 billion baht to 100 billion baht. It is believed that the past 6 months Of course, the previous government did it. This government has come to continue. For example, EWS company has already invested. As for ourselves, we have contacted Google, Microsoft, and investing hundreds of billions takes some time. We are confident that the signals we see are positive. However, we have numbers for the 4th quarter of 2023 since he took over the position and traveled. Promote abroad who have the intention to invest in Thailand There is a 2.5 times increase in money compared to 2022. which is a clear number that can be proven The investment number of 558,000 million baht that members suspect is the real number for which plans have already been submitted. And there are still many companies that come to talk. Emphasize that these ar e real numbers. It's not just an intangible number. 'Please be patient because I believe that in the next 2 years we will see a huge amount of investment coming into Thailand. I would like to use the term investment tsunami. Please be confident. Because I myself am confident,' the Prime Minister said. The Prime Minister also said that Saying that he went to sell investments in Thailand to foreign investors despite the economic crisis Look at the matter of us advertising the country. And the issue of the economic crisis is a different matter. Crisis or no crisis? It's a controversial matter. But there is a matter that does not need to be debated. economic stimulus He is confident that everyone here There must be confidence that stimulating the country's economy must already occur. Therefore, believe that we are on the right path. Many people may not be familiar with doing business. Come out and invite anyone to invest. Because if we don't go out He wouldn't know. We are ready in every dimension. We have many hidden things, such as a quality population, clean energy with very high potential. Ability to be an aviation hub and food travel Of course, if the production base is moved to Thailand There are many world-class hospitals and schools in Thailand. So you have to make him comfortable. This is more important than anything else. Our position on foreign affairs neutral This makes many countries such as China, Japan, the United States, India, and Taiwan feel comfortable investing in Thailand. which he is confident that If you don't believe in yourself Please believe in the potential of the country. As mentioned in the beginning As for the opposition party stating that Minister of Finance He is the minister that the world is annoyed with. The Prime Minister confirmed that 'It's not true. Because of my drive for various policies, I am confident that I will be the Minister of Finance. that solves poverty for the people I'll leave it here for a bit. Don't be an opposition figure that confuses the world. One day it wil l be the opposition. Another day there was news that he would ask to join the government. I'm afraid people will be more confused," Mr. Settha said. The Prime Minister also mentioned employment figures, saying that the number for the 4th quarter of 2023 was at 330,000 people, a decrease of 29% from the previous year when there were more than 462,000 unemployed people, leaving the unemployment figure at only 0.8% of the labor force. As for the situation of unemployed graduates, in the 4th quarter of 2023, unemployment was 4.4%, down from the previous year at 6.1%, which reflects that the labor market for new graduates is showing signs of improvement. If compared to last year, the clarification did not say that we had completed our duties. But I believe that we are moving in a good direction and will continue to do so. I am confident that Thai workers will be better off. As for rubber, the Prime Minister stated that the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives had already provided complete information. I woul d like to add a little bit about what you said that the previous government Even though illegal rubber has been suppressed The price of rubber has not increased yet. He is not sure where he went to fight. But I would like to point out that my suppression Not just talking about customs Not just talking about the Ministry of Agriculture or security department But I talked to the Royal Thai Police Office. Army Commander which work closely together And examine it really closely. Therefore, we are sure that Suppressing illegal rubber has clear, tangible results. As for the price of rubber increasing, it is certain that we can control 30% of the world's habitat if the country that is the leader in rubber exports and spends When we announced that we would clearly crack down on illegal rubber, buyers had confidence in the government. Of course, the demand for more purchases will increase. The price also went up. Saying that the price of rubber has increased is not an accident. But it is a matter of this government wo rking together in an integrated manner with all parties. Thank you to the Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Army and the Acting Commander-in-Chief of the Police, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives. Customs Department as well The Prime Minister concluded by saying, 'Confirm the real person. Government for the people '. Source: Thai News Agency