Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

ICT committee found irregularities Process for appointing NBTC secretary

Parliament, ICT Committee recommends that the Prime Minister's Office, NACC, and Ombudsman take action after finding irregularities. In the process of appointing the NBTC secretary, the NBTC insists it is not interfering. General Ananthaporn Kanchanarat, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Information Technology, Communications and Telecommunications, mentioned the case of studying 'principles, regulations and orders related to Process for appointing the Secretary-General of the Broadcasting Commission Television business and the National Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) in accordance with the Act on the Organization for Allocation of Frequency Spectrum and Supervision of Radio Broadcasting Business Operations. television radio and telecommunications business in 1990 has been completed. and present a report on the selection of the NBTC Secretary-General to the Senate The consideration was carried out on April 1, confirming that the appointment of a sub-committee to consider the study was not an investig ation. and confirmed that they did not interfere with the NBTC. After consulting with the legal department, it was found that according to Sections 129 and 185 of the Constitution Require the committee to study this matter. General Somjate Bunthanom, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Education Inspecting the performance of the NBTC regarding inconsistent interpretations of legal provisions, it was stated that the results of the study found that there were 2 opinions regarding the appointment of the NBTC secretary. That is, the Chairman of the NBTC sees that it is the power of appointment by the Chairman. and there were 3 votes agreeing. As for the opinion that it is the duty of the group organization, there were 4 votes agreeing. This is consistent with past selections. As for the process of appointing the NBTC secretary, which has been delayed for more than 3 years, it is seen that this position is important. Not rushing to consider It is considered to damage the performance of the NBTC's duties because it is the organization that oversees the spectrum and benefits from the spectrum, thus affecting its work. As for whether it will be considered a malfeasance of duty or not, General Somchet said that it is worth thinking about whether the delay in appointment would be a malfeasance or not. After the sub-committee studied, there were still delays detected. besides the conflict Disagreement There are also hidden incidents. In the case of broadcasting the World Cup where there was an accusation against Mr. Trairat Wiriyasirikul The Acting Secretary of the NBTC acted illegally and made a resolution to change it so that a new secretary would be responsible for the investigation, but the NBTC Chairman did not sign, causing the incident to escalate and cause damage to the NBTC. Therefore, the report will be presented to the relevant agencies. Mr. Praphan Khunmee, Vice Chairman of the Sub-Committee, said that since 1 July 2020, when Mr. Thakorn Tanthasit resigned and was appointed Acting until now, it has been almost 4 y ears. Therefore, Mr. Trairat He has almost completed his acting duties. This is unusual. The Senate considers that it will cause damage to the country and the people. Many projects cannot move forward. The study found the cause of the delay. Because there are different legal interpretations. and noted that the president issued an announcement to select the NBTC secretary himself, which has never been done before according to law Because he is not the president's secretary. but is a corporate secretary Must work to serve the organization When the chairman announced and personally selected the chairman, it took 1 year and 9 months to present to the committee at the meeting. but did not give approval because the directors did not dare to certify Therefore there was a delay. As for whether or not this type of behavior is an indication of misconduct, Mr. Praphan said that in the Frequency Allocation Act Set a time frame for recruiting secretaries. Must be able to do it within 90 days, but over 3 years cannot be s et. Reflects the performance of the leadership and committee of that organization. Therefore, in law it is considered It is the performance or omission of performance of duty that causes damage. unreasonably delayed As for whether it will emphasize whether the NBTC is like the Twilight Zone or not, Mr. Praphan said that the matter of appointing a secretary The NBTC is a different case and is not involved in the World Cup litigation case. 'The conclusions that have been studied If anything is found to be illegal, a report will be sent to the responsible agency. Both the Prime Minister's Office National Anti-Corruption Commission and the Office of the Ombudsman You can proceed with the next steps of filing a complaint with the court, including going to the NBTC if anyone is found to have done something wrong. Please take action,' Mr. Praphan said. Source: Thai News Agency