Thailand Recorder

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Invite the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) to clarify the case of seizing equipment from participants in the traditional festival parade.

Chaturon" reveals that the Southern Border Special Committee is preparing to invite the ISOC to clarify and provide information in the case of officials seizing parade equipment at the Rueso Tradition Continuation Festival, Narathiwat Province after being criticized for their work. Mr. Chaturon Chaisang, Chairman of the House of Representatives' Special Committee to Study and Propose Guidelines for Promoting Peace-Building Processes to Resolve Conflict in the Three Southern Border Provinces, and his team held a press conference on the committee's concerns regarding the actions of security officials. On September 7, during the traditional ceremony in Rueso District, Narathiwat Province, local soldiers seized parade participants' equipment, such as Palestinian flags and pictures of religious leaders. As a result, some people criticized the officials' actions. The committee therefore brought this issue up for discussion because it was concerned that it would affect people's feelings. In addition, it was seen t hat the officials' actions violated the people's rights and freedoms, and were inconsistent with the international covenant on civil and political rights. It was also inconsistent with the Thai government's stance or foreign policy on the world stage, especially the issue of Thailand's humanitarian support for Palestine. However, there were still some differences of opinion in the meeting, as some parties thought that the officials may have acted based on their understanding of the law. However, the meeting agreed and concluded that the relevant agencies should urgently study and consider how such a case occurred and resolve it to prevent it from escalating because the government and responsible officials in various agencies are currently undergoing a transition. Therefore, next week, the committee will invite the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) and relevant agencies to exchange opinions and information, including the reasons for the actions taken by the officials, in order to create a consistent and unified understanding. The committee will then present the information as measures for government agencies in the House of Representatives. Mr. Romdon Panjor, a party-list MP from the Prachachon Party, added that this is a strength of the committee because even though there are some differences of opinion, they can still carry out their missions together. For this reason, security agencies and related agencies have been invited to provide explanations, help assess the situation, and review various practices for improvement. Source: Thai News Agency