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Internal Affairs

Invite to express opinions on the draft Gender Recognition Act

Bangkok, "Rudklao" invites people to express their opinions on the draft. The Gender Recognition Act expires on May 6th. The draft of the Equal Marriage Act is in the Senate committee, aiming to push it to the next 2-3 agendas in early July. Mrs. Radklao Inthawong Suwankiri, Deputy Spokesperson for the Office of the Prime Minister Come out and invite people to express their opinions on the draft Gender Recognition Act B.E..... by the Department of Women's Affairs and Family Institutions. Ministry of Social Development and Human Security Comments have been open since April 18th and will end on Monday, May 6th, 2024. Due to the Act on Criteria for Drafting Laws and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Laws, B.E. 2019, Section 5, paragraph 3, requires that before every law is enacted, Government agencies must arrange to listen to the opinions of those involved. and analyze the potential impacts of the law in a comprehensive and systematic manner. Including disclosing the results of the hearing and analysis to the public. and take those results into consideration in every step of the law enactment process, and Section 13 requires government agencies to listen to opinions through a central system. And you can use one or more methods. Therefore, in order to comply with the steps of the said law. Department of Women's Affairs and Family Institutions Under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security It is therefore announced to listen to opinions on the draft Gender Recognition Act B.E....., including the general public / relevant personnel / experts, lawyers, academics and government agencies, private sector, civil society sector. Able to express opinions through a central legal system or through information technology systems Ministry of Social Development and Human Security or through information technology systems Department of Women's Affairs and Family Institutions Between 8 April 2024 and 6 May 2024 for the Department of Women's Affairs and Family Institutions Comments on the draft bill have been gathered. Accompanying the analysis of impacts and drafting of draft legislation. In this regard, a QR Code (QR Code) has been created for expressing opinions and information for listening to opinions and drafting the said law. 'Therefore, I would like to invite all groups of people, all genders, all ages to express their opinions. for the government agencies responsible for taking care of this The results can be used to supplement or add to the said bill. To be comprehensive, complete, and able to truly create benefits and equality for all citizens. Mrs. Rudklao also asked to clarify the progress in considering the draft. Marriage Equality Act which is now being considered by the Senate committee Consideration remains intense and thorough. It is expected that it will still take another 2 weeks to complete the consideration. The committee aims to consider it in the 2nd and 3rd agenda at the Senate meeting. beginning of July,' D eputy Spokesperson Rudklao said. Source: Thai News Agency