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Invite you to experience ‘Elextrosphere, a new world, Right Carbon,’ a new zone at the EGAT Learning Center.

Nonthaburi, EGAT opens a new zone, EGAT Learning Center, Central Office, 'Elextrosphere, New World, Right Carbon,' learning about energy. Benefits and fun participatory carbon balancing Miss Ratchadaphon Siangsanoh, Director of Organizational Communications and Public Relations The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) took a tour of the newly renovated learning center exhibition. 'Elextrosphere, the new world of Right Carbon' inside the EGAT Learning Center, Central Office Zones 2 and 5, with modern display media technology for youth and visitors to have an exciting experience learning about energy efficiently. participation Under EGAT Carbon Neutrality strategy of EGAT, displayed through 5 special experiences and 5 techniques as follows: Zone 2 Elextrosphere, New World Right Carbon: Elextrosphere, the new world of Right Carbon, an exhibition of future energy with the creation of shared experiences in the virtual world. Take everyone on a journey to experience the feelings when the world in which we live is faced with severe climate change problems. and the beauty of the imaginary world where all things coexist in balance. In the land of glowing carbon through the Interactive Immersive Experience and Theater 6D - 8K technique, a 6D movie on a giant movie screen up to 30 meters long. Zone 5 Right Carbon creates carbon balance: Is Carbon really the villain? Unraveling the mystery behind the global crisis. The beginning of a great disaster. Find Carbon around us through AR Interactive techniques. Energy drives life Go back in time to the first step in the discovery of electrical energy, learn EGAT's technology for producing electricity from clean, environmentally friendly energy and have fun with learning games about energy. Self-learning through Model Interactive Projection Mapping Graphic Wall techniques Welcome to ELEXTROSPHERE The mission is to drive the world towards 'EGAT CARBON NEUTRALITY' under the Triple S strategy of reducing, compensating, and storing, such as improving the smart ele ctrical grid. Support the increase in renewable energy and future energy management options through Projection Mapping Interactive and AR Interactive techniques Adding imagination to the world ELEXTROSPHERE Have fun with Carbon storage activities to create sustainable energy balance and return life to the Everlasting Light Tree. and participate in creating a new world, Right Carbon, by releasing creative power. Add color to ELEXTROSPHERE through Touch Screen LandS Interactive Projection Mapping techniques In addition to the 2 newest zones, there are 5 other interesting zones, including Zone 1, Spark, spark the first light within you, register to receive RFID, transform into an AVATAR, adventure in the world of electric energy, Zone 3, return to balance, experience life. A future with a balance between humans, nature and technology, Zone 4, the River of Pride. Experience the mission of caring for the community. From the upstream forest to the Chao Phraya River along with electricity production for the happin ess of Thai people, Zone 6, a sustainable world. Explore the world of electrical energy, managing the use of electricity from various countries around the world, Zone 7, Eternal Light, process learning and join forces to create the light of eternal happiness. EGAT Learning Center, Central Office, open every day. Except Monday from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. If interested, you can visit for free. Contact for more details at the Facebook page, EGAT Learning Center, Central Office or call 0-2436-8953. Source: Thai News Agency