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Israeli archaeologists discovered 2,500-year-old ‘Ancient Persia’

JERUSALEM, Mar. 10 (Xinhua) — On Thursday (Mar. 9), the Israel Antiquities Organization Reported that an Israeli archaeologist discovered an ancient Persian city dating back to 2,500 years ago.

The ruins are located in the Mediterranean city of Nahariya in what is now northern Israel. It consists of a residential area with buildings and roads. Commercial and industrial zones, religious sites, and large storage areas. Pottery bowls, jugs, jars and other items were also found. that ancient Phoenician sailors brought from such remote areas as well

The archaeologists noted that although relations between Persia and ancient Greece were strained during that time, the archaeologists were unable to find a solution. But the townspeople maintained trade relations with Greece. Many times traded through the Phoenicians. which ruled the maritime trade in the eastern Mediterranean There is also an exchange of technology, knowledge and various construction technologies.

Incidentally, the aforementioned ancient city is multicultural. It combines elements of Persian rule with technology influenced by ancient Greek culture, such as a liquid processing facility discovered by a team in an industrial area. It was created by casting concrete. This is an extraordinary technology in the Persian era. but has been identified as a later Greek influence.


Source: Thai News Agency