Thailand Recorder

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Issued a summons to the owner of the warehouse, fireworks exploded.

Narathiwat, July 30 – The governor of Narathiwat reveals that the warehouse exploded with fireworks and the damage has not yet been assessed. While the commander of the Narathiwat Provincial Police issued a summons to the owner to meet If they're really guilty, they'll be severely punished.

After a warehouse storing firecrackers and fireworks located at Muno Village, Moo 1, Muno Sub-district, Su-ngai Kolok District, Narathiwat Province exploded, causing heavy damage. Throughout the day, forensics officers cleared the area for more debris.

The incident resulted in 12 deaths and 108 injuries, of which 98 were discharged by doctors and 10 were hospitalized, comprising 2 men, 6 women and 2 children, most of them with injuries. The head, face and body are under close medical supervision.

property damage In addition to public houses And many other government agencies in Narathiwat Province have set up a center to help alleviate suffering for the people. A royal kitchen was set up to distribute food, drinking water, and help victims. and assistance in various fields Related rescue vehicles, fire engines, generators stretch cutting machine from the security agency Infantry Regiment 151, SAO in the area, etc.

At the same time, Mr. Sanan Pongaksorn, Governor of Narathiwat Province, said that the warehouse had just been completed. Has not notified the government that it is used to store firecrackers or pyrotechnics. which cannot be assessed how much damage The staff must complete the assessment today.

Maj. Gen. Anurut Im-arb, commander of Narathiwat Provincial Police, said that now the business owner has asked to leave the country before the incident. by having his subordinates stay at the warehouse And inside the warehouse is making shelves. While working, sparks fell on the firecracker. causing an explosion Initially, a summons was issued for the owner to clarify. If they're really guilty, they'll be punished.

Rear Admiral Somkiat Pholprayoon, secretary-general of the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC), visited the area to encourage officers who work throughout the day, saying that SBPAC will help coordinate with All sectors in the area and in the middle responsible for rehabilitation, care, healing Those affected as soon as possible.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency