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Jackfruit in abundance, almost 100 jackfruits on one tree

Chiang Mai, I was shocked to see so many jackfruits. There were almost 100 jackfruits on one tree. The owner said that he saw so many jackfruits. It might be because I use water to wash the rice every day. Native jackfruit The one Uncle Daeng planted in the garden in Pa Tan Subdistrict, Chiang Mai City, is about 5-6 meters tall. If you look at it at first glance, you'd think it only had leaves. As we walked closer and looked closer, we saw jackfruits all over the tree, both on the trunk and on the branches. On some branches, there were dozens of jackfruits, both small and large. In total, there were nearly 100 jackfruits, some of which weighed almost 10 kilograms. Uncle Daeng said that this jackfruit tree is almost 10 years old. In the past, it did not produce many fruits, no more than 20, but this year it produced an especially large number. Maybe it's because I pour water on the sticky rice every day. It's better than throwing it away, causing this year's jackfruit tree to produce hundreds of fruit. Hard to believe Previously, at least 20 young jackfruits had been cut off to give to people in the village and people who knew them, and some had been cut off. Because if the plants are allowed to fully ripen at the same time I'm afraid the branch won't be able to support my weight. Right now there are about 50-60 jackfruits left on the tree. Personally, I believe that there are so many jackfruits in this tree. It probably came from the rice water that was used as an excellent fertilizer. Because besides the jackfruit tree Water from washing rice was also used to sprinkle the manao trees. This year has also been fruitful. Source: Thai News Agency