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Internal Affairs

“Jurin” believes in elections The new committee has no problems.

Surat Thani, June 24-"Jurin" invites a meeting of new Democrat MPs on July 2 after the EC has approved the election. The new committee has no problems and complies with the rules. party bylaws

Jurin Laksanawisit, acting leader of the Democrat Party deputy prime minister and Minister of Commerce gave an interview to the media after the press conference of the Southern Fruit Situation Monitoring Conference in 2023 to reporters asking questions about Personally, you think the new Democratic Party leader Whether it's a person from the south or a new generation, Mr. Jurin replied that he had no personal opinions, but on July 9, 2023, the Democratic Party will hold a general meeting. to elect a new party executive committee which includes the position of party leader He saw that there should be no problems. Everything is in accordance with the rules and regulations that the Democrat Party has practiced for more than 70 years.

“As for whether it will be a new generation or people from the same house or not, he cannot answer. It's up to the party's consensus. But he believes that all must be voluntary by the candidates. Regardless of the position of party leader or any other position And it depends on the resolution of the meeting to be voted. Because it is a real democratic way that Democrats have used for a long time, ”said Acting Leader of the Democrat Party.

The reporter asked Will the Democratic Party support the Kao Lai Party to form a government? Mr. Jarin said that the Democratic Party will have a resolution to support voting on the election of the Prime Minister, it must be a resolution from the party's MPs meeting, which does not yet exist. meeting Because the Electoral Commission (EC) has just endorsed and he invited new MPs to meet at the party this afternoon on July 2, 2023, which will be the first meeting after the Election Commission has endorsed the Election Commission. .Sor.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency