Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

“Jurin” has one of the fastest works.

Parliament, "Jurin" slams Prime Minister's salesman for asking if flying in ten countries is a marketing or a joke. Point out one piece of work that can be done the fastest. It is the creation of a new breed of prisoners. Ask 3 questions about double standards of justice. Fear that amnesty for cheaters is a ticking time bomb. Mr. Jurin Laksanawisit, Democrat Party MP Discuss the motion to open a general debate to ask questions about the facts or suggest problems to the Cabinet. Without voting according to Section 152, he was one of the people who signed up for the discussion. Because he saw that the government had been in charge for 7 months, it was time to sound a warning that the government was going in the wrong direction. and ready to support the government in things that are beneficial to the people before making a move The government is trying to create a buzz about why the debate will happen. Because not a single baht has been spent yet. 'Let me tell you, this is clearly showing an honest face in th e sun. I have to say this because even The Budget Expenditure Act for fiscal year 2024 has not yet come into force. But the government can use this budget for the time being. Therefore, if you look at the numbers, you will clearly see that The Budget Bureau has allocated a budget of 1.837 trillion baht for the government to use for the time being. The government claims that the budget has not yet been passed. Instead, 44 percent of the total amount has been spent. That said, not a single baht has been spent yet. This is clearly sticking out your tongue and deceiving the people. So I said that the Budget Act has not yet been issued. If you want to cheat, you can cheat,' Mr. Jurin said. Mr. Jurin said that why did the government spend so much money in administration for 7 months and still fail the test? There are 2 answers: It is because this government is only using marketing to lead management. Just making pictures But after the picture, every industry voted almost unanimously that There is still nothing sub stantial. Every day there are only events. Thai people are choking on events for 6 months. Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Have flown to dozens of countries, been Prime Minister for 180 days, been abroad for 52 days. 'People ask if I fly in to do marketing or comedy. He said that he went to make a joke because he was in Thailand and announced to the world that the Thai economy was in crisis. But when I got off the plane to a foreign country to travel, I invited him to invest in the country. Where is the billionaire? Will be sick to the point of investing millions of dollars in countries where the economy is still in crisis. But if he comes It means that he doesn't believe in the Prime Minister. But he believes in the strength of the Thai economy. The Prime Minister is trying to play the role of a salesman, which is good. But the question is as a country salesman. Have you closed any sales yet? There was only a contract to trade with wind flowers. Returning to Thailand, people who knew immediately said that Just bring your dreams to you,' Mr. Jurin said. Mr. Jurin said that as a clear example, the Prime Minister ordered his advisers to press a big roadshow at Government House that Traveling abroad will generate 558,000 million baht of money into the country in 10 years. The more you declare, the more you emphasize that. This is marketing. Because we still don't know if it's a real dream or a false dream, or in another case, organizing the Tomorrowland music festival. Someone in the government posted on the Thai government website that it would be held in Thailand in 2026 and that it might be held continuously for ten years. It appeared that it was canceled for 2-3 days because someone caught on that the organizing team made it clear that they had not yet confirmed this matter. And there is still much to consider. That means he politely declined. 'I also want it to be successful. And please help me succeed. But what do you want to tell the Prime Minister? That is, Thai people want the real thing more than marketing. What isn't there yet? You don't have to hit the beep yet. Thai people do not eat rice husks. Thai people want to see the Prime Minister. Flys more like a hawk than a fly. I flew all day but didn't get anything. In addition to creating an image of being tireless Every time the hawk flies, it never misses its target. Because the Hawks don't do marketing. This is what I want the Prime Minister to do. Considering the administration for the next 7 months, this government has problems in every dimension. The first problem is as long as the government has not moved beyond people who like to show off their prestige. The government will always have political problems. And I would like to ask people in the government to please not blame others. Why can't I move past this person who can't move past me? Because the first person is the Prime Minister. Because to the point of investing in taking a public bus to drive slowly to home He also came out in an interview saying that he was happy to give the minister the opportunity to pay a courtesy visit,' Mr. Jurin said. Reporters reported that During the discussion Mr. Jurin posted a picture of Mr. Settha. who are traveling to visit Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, former prime minister This caused Mr. Chaiwattana Tinarat, MP for Maha Sarakham, Pheu Thai Party, to protest and request that the discussion be within the regulations. which Mr. Wan Muhammad Noor Matha, Speaker of the House of Representatives Acting as chairman of the meeting It was ruled that Mr. Jurin was still discussing the issue. Therefore let the discussion continue. Mr. Jurin then continued the discussion. The Prime Minister said that if he had the opportunity he would go and ask for advice. Is this something that can be overcome? The second problem in politics is having many prime ministers. Some people say it's just a discourse. This is a problem the government faces. Because these things reflect lack of confidence. Prime Minister's impairment according to the constitution Make people un derstand that there is not just one Prime Minister. 'There is not only the Prime Minister, there are also big Prime Ministers, small Prime Ministers, which I have to speak about because they cause problems in political administration. Power upon power This has made this government into a puppet government. The Prime Minister is therefore annoyed every time he is asked about this. Because this is a question that directly discredits the Prime Minister and affects the administration. At least it affects concentration at work and the use of power without knowing who is really in control,' Mr. Jurin said. Mr. Jurin said that the third problem is that this government is full of ineffective ministers. causing both ministers that the world has forgotten The minister is in the wrong. Ministers reciprocate Minister performs special duties and the minister that the world is fed up with Because the world has not forgotten, but the world is fed up, such as the Minister of Finance who wants to barf his teeth at the Gover nor of the Bank of Thailand, but in his job, the income for 4 months is lower than the target. I would like to tell the Prime Minister that If the Cabinet is adjusted this time Please help take care of the ministers who are fed up with the world. The next problem is the macroeconomic problem. Overall, the 7 months that the government has been in has not created confidence in the economy. Numbers lower than expected targets If this government manages completely until December. Economic forecasts for 2024 are estimated to be lower than previously stated. This is an important problem that the government must urgently solve as promised in the campaign. 'As for digital wallets, many people no longer believe in them. Because they encountered debtors chanting no mantra, no escape, no payment, and yesterday (2 Apr.) there was a Cabinet resolution to amend the 2025 budget to add an additional 150 billion baht deficit to be used for digital wallets. That means there's nothing new. Just change from issuing the 500 bill ion baht loan act to using a 150 billion baht loan from the 2025 Budget Act instead. Where will the other 350 billion baht come from? Until today, there is still no answer. I will wait for an answer on April 10,' Mr. Jurin said. Mr. Jurin said that as for the minimum wage of 400 baht, I have no complaints. Minister of Labor Because it is not his policy, but the Prime Minister has announced that no matter what, it must be 400 baht because it is the policy that he campaigned for. In the end, it changed from 400 baht nationwide to 400 baht in just 10 provinces, and those 10 provinces were patchy, like it was raining in patches, not falling all over the sky, and in another 67 provinces, not even a drop of rain fell. Finally, it went up to 2 baht, still not buying enough eggs. Is this a drama or a joke? Meanwhile, the prices of crops, palm and corn, have not improved. They are flat. Only rice has improved by nearly 10,000 since May when the previous government was in office,' Mr. Jurin said. 'The biggest problem that the government must solve is Because it is the thing that erodes and undermines this government the most, namely creating double standards of justice. It is the single piece of work that can be done the fastest. It is the answer to who this government is for. It is to create a new breed of prisoners that even the gods must allow to use their names. From jailing Thip, collaring Thip, raising Thip's grandchildren. All of which cannot happen if the Prime Minister and the ministers involved were not aware of it Therefore, I would like to ask the Prime Minister 3 questions and ask for his help in answering as an executive branch. Control the majority in the House of Representatives. Will the rule of law be strengthened in the country? Will we allow the Thip Model prison to be used twice or not? As for the new regulations set out by the Department of Corrections, or simply translated, you can go to prison at home. And will that regulation include corruption cases or Section 157 cases related to improper perfor mance of duties or not?' Mr. Jurin said. Mr. Jurin said that he would kindly ask the Prime Minister not to answer that it depends on the correctional committee that comes from many agencies. Because it is a monkey that tricks children who look down on the people. If it were given an opportunity for those with Section 157 cases to be imprisoned at home Thailand's rule of law must be questioned once again. Because he will have to face a new angel prisoner. Including amnesty, which is seen as a double-edged sword. If used correctly, it will create harmony for the country. If used incorrectly, it will create more conflict for the country. 'I would like to ask whether this government has a policy of amnesty for corruption cases. Don't even think about getting an elbow. In the past, there have been people who failed because they were not satisfied. And the warning is because when it comes today There are people who file complaints with various organizations. Only in the case of Angel Prisoners, there are 24 matte rs in total: what the Prime Minister and his associates have done to the rule of law in the country. It will be a ticking time bomb. Waiting for the day it will explode on itself in the future. May all sacred things inspire everyone's eyes to see the Dhamma in general,' Mr. Jurin said. Source: Thai News Agency