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“Jurin” implores “Democrats” to come back to support the People’s Democratic Party No. 26

Bangkok, April 6 – "Jurin" implores "Democrats" to come back to support "Democrat No. 26", asking them to be confident that it is a political institution that works on the basis of responsibility. for all Thai people

Jurin Laksanawisit, leader of the Democrat Party Interview on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of the Democrat Party that during the election He, as a party executive, must lead the Democratic army in the upcoming elections. which Democrats are very ready, along with people and policies and along with the party leader who is the next prime minister candidate

For the organization of the army in the election campaign, it will focus on organizing 3 armies, as already emphasized. 1. Party leader 2. secretary general of the party 3.Former party leader to go out to campaign across the country We are confident that the result of this democratic election will receive better responses from people from all regions. Both in Bangkok, North, South, Northeast, Central from our continuous visits.

“I would like to take this opportunity to appeal to the people of Thailand throughout the country. Please help support the Democrat Party. Especially members of the Democratic Party from all over the country. which exists in an immense number Those who elected us last time, please continue to support the Democrat Party. For the party members who left us last time But this time I call you back to help us. come help democrats Let's help each other join hands in solidarity with the Democrats. to bring democrats to success in elections not for us but for a sustainable better future of our country,” Mr. Jurin said.

Mr. Jurin confirmed that Democrats still adhere to the ideology of a democratic system of government with the King as Head of State. with honesty, honesty and for the benefit of the public The benefit of the country is the main thing, with people, policies, party leaders who are candidates for the Prime Minister. and the potential of all of us

When asked by reporters about the outstanding selling point of the Democrat Party, which is a political institution that lasts for 77 years, which is different from other political parties, Mr. Jurin said that this is an important selling point. If people choose us, they won't be disappointed and can be trusted. Because democracy is a political institution that has existed since the past, present and will continue to exist in the future. to serve the people

“If you vote for Democrat Next time, Democrats will still be there. Whether doing right, doing wrong, able to come back and demand everything that we have announced, demanding policies, demanding responsibility Continue to claim everything because democracy is still And everything we set as a policy to drive the country in this campaign is based on our responsibility for what we think, we have done, and have crystallized it all. really for Thai people throughout the country, ”said the leader of the Democrat Party.

As for the reporter asking for opinions about the launch of the prime ministerial candidate of one political party And there was an announcement of a policy that could fall into the category of promises or not, Mr. Jurin said he did not know, would not judge other parties, we did ours by asking brothers and sisters to help choose Democrats. please support us What about the other parties? please don't go alluding Because he saw that this was the best way to campaign. And it's what people want.

Mr. Jurin said that the Democratic campaign would not talk about other parties unnecessarily. Unless there is an allusion in a manner that damages the party. or people misunderstanding If this is the case, Democrats must clarify to understand.

“This matter has already been discussed. I would like to present only alternatives, how are people better? How is the policy better? Candidate Prime Minister How can we fight others? How to be a democrat in the way the country wants How did the experience in both legislative administration come from? This is what we will primarily tell to the people, ”said Mr. Jurin.

The reporter asked about plans for a grand speech. and when will campaigning across the country take place? The leader of the Democrat Party said that plans were planned in several ways, at least 3 armies would be able to travel around the country. with a clear division of space Some provinces may have a duplicate. but some provinces share And will try to cover the whole country again before the election day In which the form of meeting the people's brothers and sisters will include a big speech sub keynote Including patrol in the form of a caravan. to meet people in villages, communities and areas further as appropriate

Democrat Party's Grand Speech in Bangkok which will be held at Lan Khon Muang tomorrow, Mr. Jurin said that for the Bangkok area is the breath of democracy We hope that we can regain the feedback that was lost in the last election. All of this, considering the feedback that has been continuously visiting the area. And we never leave Bangkok people anywhere when they face the COVID crisis. Democrats are also one of the few parties. who went down to take care continuously with the establishment of an emergency center can accommodate up to 5,000-6,000 beds for patients Democrats were held continuously during the lockdown period. Including the kindness bag of the Democrat Party that we have done so when it comes to the election of the governor of Bangkok, even though we were not elected But Democrats came in second place, beating many political parties that competed, getting up to 9 S.K. seats and 2nd place, 7 more seats, all of which were better responses.

“He has been to many areas in Bangkok. I have to repeat that many people run and hug. Then come and say sorry. Didn't choose last time But this time I'll help you choose. He thinks this is a good sign. Not one person but many people. There are many areas and regions across the country. This is a signal that he calls on those who left us last time to come back and help support the Democratic Party to have the opportunity to continue doing things for the country, ”said the leader of the Democratic Party.

Every April 6th of every year The Democrat Party will hold a merit-making ceremony for the founding anniversary of the party at its headquarters. For this year, the Democrat Party celebrates its 77th anniversary and entering its 78th year, has organized a merit-making ceremony for all 3 religious parties as always, including Islamic religious ceremonies. Brahmin Worship Ceremony of Mother Earth wringing hair buns and Buddhist ceremonies with key figures of the party Starting from Mr. Chuan Leekpai, Mr. Apisit Vejjajiva, Mr. Banyat Bantamtan, Mr. Chamni Sakdiseth, Mr. Niphon Boonyamanee, Mr. Suthat Ngernmuen, Khunying Kalaya Sophonpanich, Mr. Ongart Klampaiboon, Prof. Dr. Suchatvee. Suwansawat, Ms. Watanya Bunnag, Mr. Naris Khamnurak, and candidates for MPs, both from Bangkok And other provinces, party members, supporters and people's brothers and sisters. Attended the event a lot.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency