Thailand Recorder

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“Jurin” points out that the position of opposition leader should be the responsibility of the major party.

Jurin" points out that the position of opposition leader should be the responsibility of a major political party. Refuse to answer once asked Does the Democrat Party accept this position?

At 2:00 p.m. on September 16, 2023, Mr. Jurin Laksanawisit, Acting Leader of the Democrat Party. Gave an interview about the Forward Party preparing to choose a new party leader. To accept the position of opposition leader, he has said that The position of leader of the opposition should be held by a major political party that acts as the opposition in the House of Representatives. which is the progressive party At this time, it is considered good that the Progressive Party is interested in taking on this duty. Because it is considered another important position in the House of Representatives. and the constitution specifies the role The powers and duties of the leader of the opposition are stated in many respects. The Democrat Party is ready to continue working together to monitor the government as a joint opposition party.

When the reporter asked, Has the Progressive Party ever discussed asking the Democrat Party to accept the position of opposition leader before? Because the Progressive Party has a member holding the position of Vice President of the House of Representatives. Making it impossible to be the leader of the opposition, Mr. Jurin said only that "Please don't answer."

As for the case, if Dr. Ong still holds the position of Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, how will the new leader of the Progressive Party take over the position of opposition leader? Mr. Jurin said that it would be a matter for the Progressive Party. – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency