Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

“Jurin” waits for politics to remain calm before considering joining the government or not

Miracle Grand School, Aug. 6 - "Jurin" brushed off the answer, shook hands with "Pheu Thai", waiting for the political situation to remain stable. before considering joining the government or not insisted on not making a hasty decision, reiterating that the party is a democracy no one can order I believe that there is no conflict in the party, everything will be resolved.

Jurin Laksanawisit, acting leader of the Democrat Party It was seen that the 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting of the Democrat Party of 2023 today (August 6) will be completed and will go well. As for the result? depending on the resolution of the party meeting

Mr. Jurin also discussed the consideration of joining or not joining the government that It is the duty of the new executive committee and the party's MP meeting, but if there is no new party executive committee, the acting and MPs will act to cover up first. which as far as following the situation thought The current political situation is still unstable. And nothing is clear yet, so the Democratic Party must remain silent as well. and must not be rash in making decisions All must stick to the ideology of the party. and the highest benefit of the country

As for whether to join the government with Pheu Thai Party or not. because of the past The Democratic Party's position has always been against Mr. Thaksin's regime. Mr. Jurin said he did not want to answer in detail. but adheres to the ideology of the party which will decide whether to become the government or the opposition It is the power of the executive committee of the party together with the MPs, which have always done this every time.

Mr. Jurin also mentioned the current news that Mr. Chalermchai Sri-on acted as secretary-general of the party. I will raise my hand to vote for the Prime Minister for Pheu Thai Party that I would like to not rely on predictions. Everything will settle at the party's joint meeting. and believes that there will be no party conflicts When the time comes, it will come to an end, emphasizing that the administration of the party is in accordance with the democratic way. because the party has no ownership No one can come to order. which is not as easy as some parties where one person has come to order and everything is over, so the Democratic Party must rely on party consensus Please don't see it as a disadvantage. because it is considered the strength of the Democrat Party Otherwise, the party could not exist until today. .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency